The Sunday Post | 09 October 2022



Dear Bookbugs,








It is time for another Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer.


The Sunday post is a roundup of all things bookish or otherwise that you wish to share with your fellow readers.


And guess who missed the Sunday post last month? I was travelling on most weekends to visit my family. Got my vacation too. So, all is good.


In terms of books, I have managed to complete most books in my September TBR. I am not in a slump right now, but my reading is not that great overall this year. So, there’s that.










Here is me giving you a quick update on the previous week and things to look forward to in the coming week:






Previous Week Book Reviews













Upcoming Reviews













Review of the Week







For the Review of the Week, I’ve picked a review of  Happy Singles Day by Ariel. Ariel’s blog is called The Book View. I found her review quite honest and to the point. But it had a heart and love, which made me want to know more about the book. 










Movie of the Week








Well, I’ve been meaning to watch this ever since I knew this movie was being made. I had my issues with the book, but I would still say that the book was better than the movie. But anyway, any reader would say that about any movie based on the book. So, my opinion does not even count, I guess.








Currently Reading










With that, we have reached the end of another Sunday Post. Hope you enjoyed this week’s updates. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.





Happy Reading Everyone!!





















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2 Responses

  1. Greg says:

    I think the Ponniyin Selvan book sounds very interesting!

  2. Rejitha says:

    Thank you. It is a great work especially considering the time period it was written.