Bookbugworld’s May Wrap Up | 2020

Dear Bookbugs,


May has been the best month for me so far in terms of reading. I planned for seven books but ended up finishing around ten books. The tenth being a collection of mini short stories, still it counts.


Let’s take a brief look at all the books that I managed to read in the month of May.




1)The Wrongful Death by Kenneth B Anderson





The Wrongful Death by Kenneth B Anderson is the third book in The Great Devil War series. This is a middle grade fantasy novel about a boy named Philip. In the third book, Philip returns to Hell for yet another adventure. When his friend and the school bully Sam accidentally dies before his time, Philip feels responsible. He goes in search of his friend and gets involved with the events of Hell as always. This is not exactly my favorite book of the series. But I had a great time reading this one and the ending left me wanting for more. I rated it a 4/5 stars and you can read my non-spoiler review here.







2) Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis




Harrow Lake is the first paranormal fiction I have ever attempted and I was spooked. It might not give you the chills if you’re a pro at the genre but if you’re a beginner and looking for a scary book, this will definitely work. Harrow Lake is the haunted town where Nolan Nox shot his iconic movie, Nightjar. The movie attained a cult status and became a part of the town’s recognition. When Nolan’s daughter Lola reaches Harrow Lake, she uncovers some deeply buried secrets both about herself and her mother.

This book had a lot of suspenseful moments. Not all of them paid off, but the ones that did were truly worth it. I enjoyed the book  and rated it a 4/5 stars. ( Non-spoiler review)



3) What I Like About You By Marisa Kanter




What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter is a YA contemporary romance book. The main draw for me was that the protagonist is a book blogger. When her virtual  best friend materializes in front of her, Halle could not bring herself to tell him that she is Kels. But when she starts falling for him, things unravel quickly. A lighthearted book which explores the young adult conflicts of virtual and real identities, and how it affects their life. Virtual life gives the power of anonymity which has both the good and evil sides to it. This is a topic that hasn’t been explored a lot and I loved the book for doing just that. But the second half of the book didn’t feel too strong in terms of plot and the whole climax was wrapped up too quickly for my liking. Still I loved many things in this story and rated it a 3.5/5 stars.




4) The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans





A romance novel with a bookstore in the backdrop? How could I not pick it? The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans is perhaps every book lovers dream. The main character Hallie Winstone is fired on the same day she wins a book store in a lottery. But running a book shop is not for the faint hearted.


A good portion of the book talks about what reading and books mean to a person. And if you’re really interested to read about books with a dash of sweet romance, this might just be the pick for you. The latter half of the book felt a bit rushed up but still it is a cutesy romance read. I loved it and rated it a 3.5/5 stars. (Non-spoiler review)




5)The Little Bookshop At Herring Cove by Kellie Hales





Another romance with bookish theme. I am all in for this theme. However, this was not exactly my favorite. Sophie Jones holds all her life in her bookstore. But Alexander Fletcher wants to buy the shop for his family realtor business. When these people fall in love almost instantly, it is a lot to take in. The rest of the story is upbeat and sweet. The simple fishing village and the folk all make it even more appealing. Yet, it is a little bit hard to get into the romance given how quickly it develops. Overall, it was a one time read for me and I rated it a 3/5 stars. (Non-spoiler review)




6) The Belfore Void by Joey Rogers




The Belfore Void is a new adult science fiction novel. The Void was discovered in an accident but ever since it opened up opportunities in the scientific world but after decades the Void was just a joke in the scientific community. We follow Andi who is a PhD student in the Belfore University. But she has a super power. When evil forces are after her power to explore the Void, things get complicated. The book has a very strong plot but somehow it wasn’t perceptive enough for me to relate to the characters or their conflicts. Still, this is a fast paced story. I rated it a 3/5 stars. (Non-spoiler review)




7) Wild At Heart by K A Tucker





Wild At Heart by K A Tucker is the sequel to The Simple Wild. I loved the first book and the romance between Calla and Jonah. This one picks up from where they left and once again take you to the beautiful Alaskan landscape and their way of life. This is the kind of book that I would love to devour in one go. Rated it a 5/5.





8) The Essence of Perfection by Nita Brooks




The Essence of Perfection is a women’s fiction book which surprised me in the best way. The book follows a fragrance maker Nicola King who ends up chasing her bucket list. The journey leads to several revelations and Nicola finally learns to move out of her comfort zone and live a little. I expected a breezy light read. Believe me, the book had that for the major part but it also addresses several insecurities, subtle sibling rivalry and the bond, the burden of expectations. It was relatable in many levels. I loved the book and rated it a 5/5 stars. (Non-spoiler review)





9) The Guest List by Lucy Foley





Another hyped book that I gave into. There is nothing that could take away how suspenseful and intricately deep this book was. I loved the entire idea of “If we can’t raise Heaven, we will raise Hell”. Personally, I am a fan of the stories that separates people from its basic societal structures leaving them vulnerable in a deep dark forest or a lonely island in this case. It is fascinating to see what kind of primal beings we are once the fear of social conformation is taken out of the equation. The book does a hell of a job to explore that area. Unfortunately, I could tell where the story was going. And from that moment, it just wasn’t all that thrilling to me. I rated it a 3.5/5 stars.





10) Maarjaaranayaki (Feline Queen) y N Mridula






This is an unexpected addition to my reading list. Maarajaaranayaki is a Malayalam book. It is a collection of twelve short stories. The book is hardly 50-60 pages. And yet, the stories are impactful and stays in your memory. I rated it a 4/5. If you know the language, go for it. It is a very well used ten minutes of your time. (Non-spoiler review)






Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these books or if you wish to. If so, please feel free to share your thoughts.





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