WWW Wednesday | 1 April 2020

Dear Bookbugs,

I am back with another Wednesday meme. If you are not aware of this meme, the WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking a World of Words.

This is a simple  meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader.

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?


And then link the host’s blog to your post and if possible leave a comment in theirs.


And getting right on top of our task here we go,


1 ) What are you currently reading?


As of today I am reading The Die of Death by Kenneth B Anderson. I am a part of #TheWriteReads blog tour. And they have generously provided me an e-Copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The Die of Death is the second book in the The Great Devil War series. I have read the first one, The Devil’s Apprentice again for the #TheWriteReads blog tour. And I liked it so much I right away wanted to be a part of all the blog tours in this series. And that’s how I got this book. I am not going into the details of the first or second book in case you haven’t read it. It is a fun, dark comedy with a witty narrative and interesting characters. Only a few chapters in and I am already enjoying Philip and his new adventures.




2)  What did you recently finished?





Yesterday night, I finished An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkenen. I went into it with apprehension because of the largely mixed reviews. But to my surpirse, I enjoyed it and had that typical reading moment where I went ” One more page..few more pages” and finished the entire  book yesterday. This is a psychological thriller. It’s about two women and their twisted relationship as a therapist and subject to a psychological experiment which turns into something deeper and affects all their lives. Sounds interesting, right? It is but I can see why some people absolutely didn’t like it. The concept if you buy into it, makes room for an interesting thriller.


3)  What do you think you’ll read next?



I have been reading thrillers and a dark comedy on a row. But that is not my usual pick. I love reading contemporary women’s fiction / chic-lit books. So, now it is time for a comfort read which is why I will be reading When Life Gives You Lemons by Fiona Gibson. Viv is the mother of a seven year old and a demanding job. And then on top of it, her husband has a mid life crisis and he compensates it by having an affair. So now Viv, is a single mother all of a sudden and has to deal with it. I know the plot sounds too cliched but the reviews are generally good. It is a light-hearted comedy and I think I might have a good time with it.




Those are my reading updates for the Wednesday. See you next week!!

Let me know your current WWWs in the comments.




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2 Responses

  1. I have a copy of An Anonymous Girl and am excited to read it. Glad you enjoyed it, Rejitha!