Tagged: book memes

WWW Wednesday | 20 May 2020

Dear Bookbugs,       In the previous WWW post, I mentioned that May is really good for me. Luckily my reading heist is going on strong and I have only one more book on...

WWW Wednesday | 1 April 2020

WWW Wednesday | 1 April 2020

Dear Bookbugs, I am back with another Wednesday meme. If you are not aware of this meme, the WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking...

WWW Wednesday | 18 March 2020

WWW Wednesday | 18 March 2020

This is my first meme ever since I started blogging. What prompted me to do so? Well, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Now seems the right time to begin since blogging takes my...