Bookbugworld’s April 2020 TBR

Dear Bookbugs,



So last month things turned out to be a bit hectic with the technical issues in my blog. Somehow I ended up not posting my TBR list for March. Anyway, here I am back with the TBR post for the month of April. I hope you enjoy the list and find some inspiration. Normally I would pick a theme. But this time, I’ve decided to get a mix of books that suits my mood.




Here we go,


1) The Die of Death by Kenneth B Anderson


This is the second book in The Great Devil War series. I am reading this book as part of #TheWriteReads blog tour. I have read the first book  -The Devil’s Apprentice – for their blog tour as well and enjoyed it a lot. You can find my review here. The book is about a boy Philip and his adventures in Hell. This is a dark  comedy with some very interesting characters. I have already started the second book and I am enjoying it a lot.


2) When Life Gives You Lemons by Fiona Gibson


This is a netgalley e-ARC that has been sitiing in my TBR since January. I have been reading a few thrillers since March. Naturally, now I crave a shift to something light-hearted and fun. A good old women’s fiction / chic-lit is always my go-to read. This book is about Viv who is the mother of a seven year old and she has a very demanding job as well. But then, Viv’s husband goes through a mid-life crisis and has an affair. From there on, it becomes Viv’s mid-life crisis because now she is a single mother. The book generally has positive reviews even though the plot sounds cliched. Which is why I am curious to read this book.



3) A Year of Chasing Love by Rosie Chambers



This is another NetGalley e-ARC. The book is a rom-com. Olivia Hamilton is a divorce attorney but she gets the shock of her life when her own divorce papers are served to her. In need of a break, Olivia travels across the world and finds stories of love and happiness. This makes her wonder about her own life and relationship. Is it too late for Olivia to find joy? 

Let me just put this right out there. This has the whole Eat, Pray, Love vibe going on but I can see the two are really different from the synopsis itself. That is my draw to the book. Again, I am always a fan of a good rom-com.



4) The Testaments  by Margaret Atwood




Do I need to say anything else about this book? This is a book that I bought in November right when it released and I haven’t even gotten a  chance to start it. I read The Handmaid’s Tale three years back and this is a sequel that I need to read. If you’re not aware of The Handmaid’s Tale it is a dystopian novel, set in the totalitarian regime of Gilead. The religious cult takes advantage of a fertility problem in the USA and establishes their rein through brutal force. The book is  mainly about Offred ( which is not her real name) . She is a handmaid. It is her account of the horrible events of life she went through while living under the “eye” of the regime. The second picks off from where Offred left in the first one. I haven’t researched much about Testaments. Just want to dive into it with fresh eyes.


5) The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chowksi



Since the sequel to this (The Silvered Serpents) is coming out soon I wish to catch up with this one. Now, I normally read a maximum of five books a month. At least I try to. This month I am pushing myself to read more what with the 21-day lockdown and everything. Hopefully everything goes as planned. Set in the 1880s, with a French background, Gilded wolves is a book filed with adventure and magic. A perfect escape read is what I am hoping to find.


6) The How and The Why by Cynthia Hand



This is a YA novel. I found about it from my favorite booktuber Heather from Bookables. Cassandra McMurtrey has the best parents that anyone could ever ask for. But she is an adopted child. When she turns eighteen, Cass finds a set of letters from her birth mother written to her explaining the How – the story of her birth and Why – why she is getting adopted. Throughout the book it shows how these women find the connection over the time period of eighteen years. 

The plot definitely sounds interesting and I am really looking forward to reading this one.


7) Kaizen by Sarah Harvey



This is one of the last book mails that I got in the recent times. The book was sent to me generously by Pan Macmillan India as I won their giveaway. This is a non-fiction book focused on personal development and wellness. Kaizen is basically the Japanese method for transforming habits by making incremental changes. It focuses on small goals in order to achieve the long term goal. This book is kind of  a self experiment for me.  There is a big fat chance that I might completely fail the process. But hey, now seems like a good time to try and bring some change.



So, those are all the books I plan to read this month. I might finish most, some I won’t. But we can plan and try to stay on track as much as possible. Do share the books you want to read this month in the comments!




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