The Sunday Post | 14 August 2022


Dear Bookbugs,





It is time for another Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer

It is a recap of all the things that happened in your life–blog, book or otherwise. 



It has been some time since I had my last Sunday post. I had planned a one-week vacation to be in my hometown and was supposed to return today. However, I cancelled it as a precaution because there were flood alerts all over my state. Thankfully, the rain has receded and things are normal. But I had to cancel my trip. Well, that happened.

On the bookish front, I am off to a decent start in August. 







Here is me giving you a quick update on the previous week and things to look forward to in the coming week:




Previous Week Book Reviews

















Upcoming Reviews



















Review of the Week




I like to listen to audiobooks while I read the E-books. I guess it keeps me focused. So I listen to audiobooks whenever they are available. Julia Whelan is one of my favourite narrators. She has a poignant narrative style, something that is suitable for deep topics. Naturally, it was her name that got my attention to this book review by Bookshelf Reviews. It made me want to add this one to my TBR.







Series of the Week






I finally caught up with Stranger Things Season 4 in the last two weeks. What a ride!! 









Currently Reading















That sums up the current week’s updates. I hope you are enjoying the things I share. Let me know in the comments if you have read or watched any of the titles mentioned above. I would love to read your thoughts.





Happy Reading Everyone!!












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10 Responses

  1. buffywnabe says:

    I liked Neon Gods! Need to read all of that series. I need to give Tessa Bailey a try too. And I need the Julia Whelan book too. Hope you have a good week!

    • Rejitha says:

      Thank you. You too, have a great week.Electric Idols is on my TBR for this month.

  2. Greg says:

    Sorry you had to cancel your visit! I hope you get a chance to return before too long…

    Death at the Manor looks like fun!

  3. Sorry you had to cancel your trip. Hope you have a good coming week.

  4. Enjoyed your reviews. Also, I’m happy to hear the rain calmed down.
    Take care and have a great week ahead!

    • Rejitha says:

      Thank you so much. And yes, the rain seems to be backing off. That is a good news. Have a great week , you too.