How to Make Time for Me | By Fiona Perrin

How to Make Time for Me | By Fiona Perrin

How To Make Time for Me
No-one said being a single mum would be easy. Everyone knows that being a single mother means having no time to yourself. But for Callie Brown, its more exhausting than most. She's juggling the needs of three teenage children, two live-in parents, a raffish ex-husband, and a dog who never stops eating. The last thing Callie needs is anything more on her plate. So when she bumps (quite literally) into a handsome, age-appropriate cyclist, she's quick to dismiss him from her life. After all, if she doesn't have time to brush her hair in the morning, she certainly doesn't have time to fall in love. Funny, heartwarming and oh-so-true, this is a novel about motherhood, families, and life after divorce, perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Allison Pearson.
I received an e-ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



My thoughts




Narrative and Plot



The story is told from Calypso aka Callie’s perspective. She is a single mother of three teenagers and feels pretty much invisible. Callie has a witty and charming tone which is the driving force of this book. You can’t stop grinning at her remarks. With an ease, it touches some serious topics as well regarding mental health and also self care.

The plot is however very much slow moving. This is more of a character driven story. Most of the book is about how Callie shifts from being invisible to being herself in a subtle way.



Characters and Conflicts



I love books that give enough space to the supporting characters. The book does that nicely giving enough space for the friends and family of Callie without sidelining her own development. The romance in the book is evasive and light hearted. It is brought to forefront only in the latter half and that seems reasonable.

The conflict in the book is something serious and common. The dynamics of a modern family are indeed complicated yet not unsolvable.
However, the way the book resolved this particular conflict felt a bit dramatic. It never really addressed the issue head on with a direct confrontation. Expecting such a culmination, the one you receive might make you feel a bit apprehensive.






This book is definitely worth a try if you love a simple, funny and upbeat women’s fiction. This is more about a mother and how she finds her own self. In a previous review of a book with similar subject ( The Overdue Life of Amy Byler), I had been going on about how glamour overtook the whole realism from the conflict. Luckily this book does not go that way and does justice to who Callie really is.


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