Book Review | Bad Habits | By Flynn Meaney





YA Contemporary | TheWriteReads Ultimate BlogTour

Bad Habits
Alex is a rebel from the tip of her purple fauxhawk to the toes of her biker boots. She's tried everything she can think of to get expelled from her strict Catholic boarding school. Nothing has worked so far - but now, Alex has a new plan. Tired of the sexism she sees in every corner of St Mary's, Alex decides to stage the school's first ever production of The Vagina Monologues. Which is going to be a challenge, as no one else at St Mary's can even bear to say the word 'vagina' out loud . . . (Goodreads)





My thoughts





Narrative and Plot





Bad Habits doesn’t wait for a build up. It starts right in the middle of action establishing Alex as the girl in trouble. Alex is witty, outspoken and yet has that naïve innocence in her voice that we associate with her age. The  conservative St Mary’s gets a new perspective when viewed through Alex’s lens and it is certainly fun to follow.

The plot is dynamic throughout the first act and the second. Except, at some point it had me go, where is this going? But in the end, each of those small incidents were brought back and it all made sense. The placement of each scene and its significance became clearer as the plot moved forward and that is the sign of good storytelling.



Characters and Conflicts




While Alex is the core voice and eyes of the story, personally for me, it was Mary Kate who stole the show. I guess it is because, like many other women and even the author herself, I could relate to Mary Kate more. Only a chosen few inherently question the patriarchal set up. Most of us truly get swept away by the fairy tale fantasy and then reality hits at some point. There could not be a better character arc other than that of Mary Kate. While, Katie Casey is too goody two shoes, Mary Kate had a balance which was leaning a bit too much on the rule abiding side in the beginning. 


Alex had her own arc and it surprised me how she never got her own solo spotlight but actually managed to go through a full character development. The romance was subtle and adorable. And honestly, I would have been disappointed if the “walk around the lake” didn’t turn out the way it did. 








Bad Habits, is a must read if you have thoughts about every day sexism no matter what your gender or age is. Coming from a rather conservative or traditional society and growing up in a similar academic situation -where you are not allowed to wear big ear rings for some reason- this one hits a lot of chords for me.  
















About the Author







Disclosure :  1) I received an e-copy of the book from @TheWriteReads , in exchange for an honest review for #thewritereads #ultimateblogtour.  
Thank you TheWriteReads, Flynn Meaney and Penguin for making me a part of the #ultimateblogtour.














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7 Responses

  1. Ellie Rayner says:

    Great review Rejitha!

  1. February 17, 2021

    […] choices as one develops into his/her/their own person. You can read the detailed review of the book here. This might be a good pick for a book club because it brings a lot of current issues on the […]

  2. February 25, 2021

    […] choices as one develops into his/her/their own person. You can read the detailed review of the book here. This might be a good pick for a book club because it brings a lot of current issues on the […]

  3. March 15, 2021

    […] This is quite an interesting book that I picked up for TheWriteReads UltimateBlogTour. Alex is a rebel stuck in a Catholic school. Tired by the everyday sexism around her environment, Alex decides to stage the school’s first ever production of “The Vagina Monologues.” For some reason, her rigid Catholic school isn’t exactly comfortable with the title itself. In this self proclaimed feminist journey, Alex realizes that feminism like every other idealogy in life comes in different size and shapes. It is a thought provoking journey of a teenager which can open all kinds of debate in a book club. You can read the complete review of the book here.  […]

  4. March 15, 2021

    […] This is quite an interesting book that I picked up for TheWriteReads UltimateBlogTour. Alex is a rebel stuck in a Catholic school. Tired by the everyday sexism around her environment, Alex decides to stage the school’s first ever production of “The Vagina Monologues.” For some reason, her rigid Catholic school isn’t exactly comfortable with the title itself. In this self proclaimed feminist journey, Alex realizes that feminism like every other idealogy in life comes in different size and shapes. It is a thought provoking journey of a teenager which can open all kinds of debate in a book club. You can read the complete review of the book here.  […]