Bookbugworld’s February TBR | 2022
A quick overview of my February TBR featuring books from a mix of genres.
A quick overview of my February TBR featuring books from a mix of genres.
Book Cover reveal of The Blue Shadow Legacy by Anca Antoci.
Today’s BBNYA semifinalist spotlight tour features May Day by Josie Jaffrey and the Swordsman’s Lament by G M White.
Today’s BBNYA semifinalist spotlight features Elemental Links by M A Leon
BBNYA semifinalist spotlight of the day is the First Earth by Cami Murdock Jensen.
As part of the BBNYA semifinalist spotlight tour, today we are featuring In Servitude by Heleen Kist.
BBNYA Spotlight Tours for the books qualified for semifinals. BBNYA – Book Bloggers Novel of the Year is organised by TheWriteReads.
BBNYA Spotlight Tours for the books qualified for semifinals. BBNYA – Book Bloggers Novel of the Year is organised by TheWriteReads.
This spotlight for The Other Side of the Whale Road is a part of TheWriteReads blogtour. Most of the reviews have been highly positive.
Known as the legendary Sultan of Baypore, Vaikom Mohammad Basheer inspired and still continues to inspire a generation of Keralites to pursue literature.