Book Cover Reveal | Blue Shadow Legacy | Chimera Book 3 | By Anca Antoci



Dear Bookbugs, 





I am extremely happy and proud to be a part of this cover reveal. Written by Anca Antoci, one of the modest authors I have come across, this is the final book of her debut series, The Chimera trilogy. I have read the first two books and thoroughly enjoyed them both. The story is gearing up for high action and adventure. That’s why I am excited to get a glimpse of the cover for the final book which is being released on January 31st.



If you have read the first two books, this cover is going to make so much sense. I know what to expect and believe me, I have very high expectations from the final instalment of this trilogy. In the first two books, we see the main character Rae getting accustomed to the world around her. Now, the time has come for her to shine and that is exactly what the cover represents.


Here is the cover of The Blue Shadow Legacy by Anca Antoci





Title: Blue Shadow Legacy (Chimera, Book 3)
Author: Anca Antoci
Publishing Date: January 31st
From the Back Cover

On the brink of war, the freedom of chimera outcasts and vampires hangs in the balance.

All seems lost when the Council runs coordinated attacks and destroys the Resistance’s secret camps. It’s time for shifters, vampires, and creatures of the Underworld to set their differences aside and make a united front. They expect the Huntress to lead them to victory, but they don’t know the truth about the prophecy that gives them hope. For Rae to save them all, she will be consumed.

After becoming a shadow and training her magic, Rae is ready for a new challenge. Unfortunately, the only constant in her life is that nothing ever goes as planned. When an army of witches gets ready to obliterate what’s left of the Resistance, Rae strikes a deal with a hellhound to save her friends.

An unexpected visit into the Underworld gives Rae a new perspective, an unlikely ally, and a fighting chance, but at what cost?



Now, that sounds like an action-packed premise. I cannot wait to read this book. So, you can expect a review of the book very soon!!




Happy Reading everyone!!


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1 Response

  1. Anca says:

    Thank you so much for this incredible presentation. I hope you’ll enjoy Blue Shadow Legacy!