Bookbugworld’s July Wrap Up | 2022



Dear Bookbugs,






We are on the second half of August, but I hope you won’t mind a July Wrap Up at this point. I have covered most of the books on my July TBR . I am happy about it as it doesn’t happen that often.



Without any more delay, let’s take a quick look at all the books I read in July.









1)The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake










Not only did I finish this book, but I also have the review up in my blog in case you are interested. I am not exactly diving into the details here. This is a new adult fantasy or magical realism book with a dark academia theme. I had a good time with this one. There was a lot to unpack, but I rated it a 3/5 because I was not a fan of the ending.








2) Mr Wrong Number by Lynn Painter










As you can guess from the title, this is a romance that starts with a wrong dial or rather wrong text. It was a fun romantic read. However, the overall theme of the book was suited for a decade earlier rather than now. Like many other romantic comedies, this one too suffers from the problem of not having enough stakes. The characters don’t need to work their way to resolve the final conflict because there wasn’t too much to begin with. This doesn’t mean it was boring. It was an easy romance read, but nothing more. It was a onetime read for me.











3) Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead










Fool Me Once was a book that surprised me. I expected a mellow second chance romance. One would expect the subtle romance and quiet longing (especially since I read Persuasion and its retelling recently.) However, this book takes a step further and actually focuses on the personal growth of the main character. The main character was quite flawed and yet likeable. I am sure I have missed a lot of nuances and subtle references regarding the political stuff being a non-American. However, I was able to grasp the gist of it. I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone who needs a strong main character in a second chance romance.











4)Death At the Manor by Katherine Schellman














Death At the Manor is a gothic regency thriller. It was a NetGalley e-Arc. Lady Adler gets roped into yet another mystery when she visits her aunt. It has a spooky element in addition to a murder mystery. The book took its time to take off, but it gets better in the end. Again, this was a onetime read for me. However, I am happy that the book made me want to read more thrillers. Lady Adler gets roped into yet another mystery when she visits her aunt. It has a spooky element in addition to a murder mystery. 









5) Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev







I have enjoyed all the books in the Raje series. This one is no different. I am yet to post a review of this book or any from this series. This one follows Ashna Raje, a chef trying to rescue her restaurant by participating in a reality show where they pair up a chef with a celebrity. And guess who is the celebrity? That’s the premise. This is the second retelling of Persuasion that I am reading which has a food theme. I enjoyed this one a lot. Especially, now the whole Raje universe is quite entertaining for me.












Those are all the books I read in July. Like I said, if you look at my TBR list, it is the same. I am apprehensive about putting a wrap-up post for the same reason. Let me know if you enjoy these wrap-ups.






Happy Reading Everyone!!









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