Bookbugworld’s February Wrap Up | 2023
A list of all the books I have managed to read in the month of February. It is mostly romance reads and a few other genres.
A list of all the books I have managed to read in the month of February. It is mostly romance reads and a few other genres.
Lesser Known Monsters is quite an imaginative monster tale with unique creatures and alternate world-building.
The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer. It is a roundup of all things bookish or otherwise that you wish to share with your fellow readers.
It’s a bunch of romance reads for February! A simple list of books that could be a part of my February reading list.
Retelling a classic like Pride and Prejudice is a humongous effort. Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors did an excellent job of imbibing the spirit of the original.
The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer. This is my first Sunday Post of the year.
I picked Such A Quiet Place based on the cover and it delivered on that front. The theme and the premise were quite atmospheric.
Spiral Worlds is a treat for anyone interested in hi sci-fi. Unanimity is “The Social Dilemma” meets “Black Mirror” and “The Matrix”
Running wild follows Marie whom we are already familiar with from the previous books of the Simple Wild Series.
The Gift of Dragons is a neatly packaged fantasy that you can pick up if you’re in the mood for a clean YA fantasy.