The Sunday Post | 26 June 2022

Dear Bookbugs,





It is time for my second Sunday Post. Last week I joined The Sunday Post book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer

The Sunday Post is a recap of all the things that happened in your life – blog, book or otherwise. 





Last week I purchased a few things online (that happens most week to be honest) which included a cooking pan with a ceramic coating on the inside and a bright orange colour on the outside. Usually, I am not a fan of cooking, but ever since I got the pan; I am always looking for sauteing something or boiling something. I hope this wears off soon. 


Reading wise, I made some huge strides till Wednesday, and then exhaustion hit me real hard. I am not kidding here. I fell asleep over a phone conversation with my mother and that’s the first time that happened in my life. She usually tells good stories, you see.

Also, if you see a few changes or glitches in the look and feel of the blog, it is because of an unfortunate PhP update after which I had to change my regular theme. Not my first choice, but I tried to make the best out of it. Let’s hope it is for better.


Anyway, here is me giving you a quick update on the previous week and things to look forward to in the coming week :


Previous Week Books Reviews












Upcoming Reviews 













Review of the Week





This week I selected a review that made me curious. Did I add this book to my TBR? No. That’s because I don’t know too much about Greek mythology. But the perspective of the women who were left behind in the Trojan war piqued my interest for sure. 




    Zenobia’s Review






Movie of the Week 






This week I didn’t binge watch a series, but I watched a movie that is based on a book I read. If that doesn’t qualify for the Sunday Post, what else would, right?

The movie was ok. It changed a few things, but I was disappointed because they didn’t show the gingerbread house. 











Currently Reading






         (still reading this one)








I hope you enjoyed this quick weekly update. If so, let me know in the comments so that I could do more of these. Also, if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with the comments. 







Happy Reading Everyone!!











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4 Responses

  1. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan says:

    You have some amazing books on your review list. I will be back to check them out soon. I love your color choice on your cooking pan!

  2. yvonne473 says:

    The Wedding Crasher and Book Lovers look really good. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week!