The Sunday Post | 19 June 2022







Dear Bookbugs,



June 19th is celebrated as National Reading Day in India to honor PN Panicker also known as The Father of the Library movement. 

Today I am trying something different for the first time, ever since I started blogging. I have always wanted to write an update about my week, which goes beyond the monthly wrap-up post or the WWW Wednesday meme. I was looking for some inspiration when I found the Sunday post hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer

The Sunday Post is basically a recap of all the things that happened in your life – blog, book or otherwise.




So, here I am trying to share a snippet of a few things that happened over the last week, and the things I am looking forward to in the coming month. I am hoping to do this twice a month. 








Last week, I had quite a few hectic work days as always. The weather here is unpredictable at the moment. It rains heavily most nights, come daytime, the sun is blazing out there. Sometimes I feel like nature itself is confused about things. Anyway, reading-wise things are ok-ish. I was Covid affected in May. Pre-Covid, I used to be a night owl. Now, the exhaustion hits me and I cannot stay awake more than 11:30-ish. And that is early for me. The good thing is that I have a solid sleep cycle now. Unfortunately, that means reduced reading hours. However, I managed to finish Magic, Lies and Deadly Pies and post a review last Wednesday. 



So, here is me giving you a quick update on the previous week and things to look forward to in the coming week :



Previous Week Books Reviews




Magic, Lies and Deadly Pies




Upcoming Reviews 














Review of the Week




I found this review from Chasing Chapters in thewritereads review of the day last week. But I am sharing it here, as the review of the week because this week I went back to the blog to check the name of the book and got myself an audiobook from Audible. So, something about the review must have stayed with me to go back.



Chasing Chapters Review 




Series of the Week 


I finished the series Escaype Live in two days!! The series dives deep into the social media viral culture and the extreme people would go to get that two-minute fame. Disturbing yet riveting.








Currently Reading










I hope you enjoyed this quick weekly update. If so, let me know in the comments so that I could do more of these. Also, if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments. 




Happy Reading Everyone!!












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11 Responses

  1. So glad you joined The Sunday Post, Rejitha! Love having you with us. 😀 Oh! I remember your comment about that book, something about it reminding you of a favorite author, I think.

    • Rejitha says:

      Yes… it reminded me of one of Sophie Kinsella’s earlier books. Thank you for the warm welcome 🤗

  2. Book Lovers was so good. I hope you love it. Covid takes a lot out of you. I hope you get your energy back soon. Looking forward to getting to know you and the books you enjoy!

  3. Jinjer says:

    How interesting! I didn’t know about P.N. Panicker!

    That must be hard to go from a night owl to a not night owl. All my life I needed 10-12 hours sleep and now, for the past year or two I’ve only needed about 5 hours sleep per night. Sometimes even less than that! So weird.

    • Rejitha says:

      Yes. I am from Kerala and I found out about him a few years back .

      Yes, my sleeping schedule is pretty weird now. And what happened to your sleep cycle?? 😲 Such a shift.

      • Jinjer says:


        • Rejitha says:


          • Jinjer says:

            On further reflection, what HAPPENED was my cat started getting up before 5am to eat and go outside on the back porch That’s what cut my sleep down to only a few hours a night. And then I guess I got used to surviving on that few hours of sleep because it doesn’t bother me at all now!

          • Rejitha says:

            😄😄That’s so sweet. Cat basically sleep trained you.

  1. July 7, 2022

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