Bookbugworld’s September TBR | 2022



Dear Bookbugs,






How is it September already? 2022 is flying away and I really hope to get on track with my reading. This means I should add more books to my TBR. Am I going to do that and miss out on a monthly basis? 


I guess you get the kind of rants my mind goes on while writing a TBR post now. I only have four books on my monthly TBR. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, I am taking a week’s vacation for Onam which is one of the major holidays for any Keralite. Second, I have a deadline for round 2 of BBNYA. I want to give myself enough room to get to all the excerpts assigned to me in peace. It is important that I do not rush those. So, there we go. 



Let’s take a quick look at the four books I am planning to read this month.













1)Ponniyin Selvan – WhirlWinds (Book 2)  by Kalki (Translated by Pavithra Srinivasan)







I have a unique reading process for this series. Last month, I completed the first book. Basically, I read the English translation while listening to the audiobook for the original. I understand Tamil but I can’t read Tamil. While reading the first book, I quickly realised that I am missing out a lot on the translation. The translation was exceptionally good, but the original language has a poetic beauty which the English language just can’t make up for. Besides, the audiobook was an elaborate production with songs, music, and an ensemble cast. It was a mini-movie in my head already. I am eager to continue the journey of Vallavarayan Vandhiyathevan and pick up where I left off in the first book. 












2)The Gift of Dragons by Rachel A Greco











I made a commitment to review this book many moons ago. I am embarrassed to admit that I haven’t gotten around it. It feels like I have already failed the author, who generously offered me a copy of the book. Anyway, that’s all in the past. I am prioritising this book in September and hopefully post the review as soon as I finish it because it is long overdue.


The Gift of Dragons is a YA fantasy. We follow the main character Adelaide, who is planning her revenge to avenge her sister’s death. However, she finds herself acquainted with a stranger who turns out to be the very prince she was planning to overthrow. Adelaide must now decide whether she would blindly follow her rage or do what is best for the kingdom when the prince informs her that the long-lost dragons are indeed alive.

The premise sounds quite appealing. I am hoping to escape into a world of magic, dragons and countless adventures.















3)Clean Sweep by E B Lee

















Clean Sweep is a literary fiction book that I found out about via TheWriteReads blog tour. The premise of the book is heart-warming and quite real. Even if fiction is all about escapism as far as I am concerned, sometimes it can shed light on reality unapologetically. That is what I am expecting from this one. In this book, we follow Carli Morris. On a food delivery trip as part of volunteering work, at a homeless encampment, Carli is horrified at the discovery of a dead resident and her orphaned dogs. Sometimes, life faces us with a harsh eye-opener and it becomes a mission to do something about it. This incident triggers Carli, and she sets out to find the family of the resident. 

The story is universally relatable because it touches on the basic human emotions of compassion and empathy for our fellow beings.













4) Onam in Nightie by Anjana Menon











The final book on my list is something that I don’t do usually. I don’t read a ton of non-fiction, but I bought this book just out of sheer curiosity. Since it is Onam, which is Kerala’s state festival, I figured this would be the best time to read the book. The story is basically about the author’s encounters during the quarantine. She hails from Thrissur. And I spent a sizeable chunk of my formative years in Thrissur. Originally Thrissivaperur, a town named after its ancient Siva temple that hosts the world famous Thrissur Pooram. Even when I write this, the red line under the names of the town and the festival emphasises the fact that most of the world is unfamiliar with this town. It is basically the cultural capital of Kerala. Even though I am from a different district, I am happy and proud to be an ambassador of the book and promote it on my small platform.






There we go. Those are all the books I wish to read in September. Hope you enjoyed reading about them. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.






Happy Reading Everyone!!










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