Bookbugworld’s May Wrap Up | 2021




Dear Bookbugs,






I have always wanted to power through one book after the other especially when there is a lockdown happening. Last year, it was all new and took me by shock. So, instead of reading more I ended up reading less. This year however, I have been prepared and read whatever I wanted to instead of sticking strictly to my schedule. A whole lot of good it did to me. Because not only I tackled my monthly TBR, I read even more.







Here’s a quick look at the books I have read in the month of May.







1)Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey










I have been following the Hot and Hammered series since Fix Her Up. I really enjoyed the previous two books and wanted to follow Bethany’s character. It didn’t surprise me, but it was a quick fun read. No worries or tension. Just a good old rom com read. Sometimes , you just need those to warm your heart up and that is exactly what the book did for me. Which is why I gave it a 4/5.








2)Float Plan by Trish Doller







I picked this book because of the rave reviews that I got overall from the bookish community. Surprisingly it did not disappoint. I loved the whole cruise and sailing atmosphere the book provided along with the warmth of a budding friendship. It has been quite a long time since people have travelled that carefree without worrying about protocols and social distancing. So, this is a breath of fresh ocean air while you are still double masked. I will be posting a review for the book soon. For now, this is a solid 4/5 for me.






3) Blue Shadow Prophecy by Anca Antoci









This book has been a pleasure to read. I have interacted with the author Anca a lot. It has always left me with a smile. So reading this was naturally a joyful experience for me. But I have kept my review absolutely objective. It has been an adventurous read to say the least. This is the second book in the Chimera trilogy. Normally the second book is kind of a weak link of the series, from my limited experience. But this one really took the time to establish and develop the main character. That was exactly what I had hoped after finishing Forget Me Not – the first book.

I gave it a 4/5  . The review will be coming out soon in my blog.







4) The Borrow a Bookshop Holiday by Kiley Dunbar








The Borrow a Bookshop Holiday by Kiley Dunbar is a NetGalley e-Arc that I requested mainly because of the concept. The main character gets a chance to run a bookshop café at Devon for a fortnight and I was just thrilled by the idea. This is your sweet rom com chic lit read based on a beach side bookstore café. Now, isn’t  that a perfect summer read? 

May is usually summer where I live. So I enjoyed reading this one on a bright sunny day away from the real world. I gave it a 3/5. The review is already out. You can read it here.






5) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo









This is probably my favorite read of the month. Hell, even the year so far. I read Shadow and Bone right before the series and was all pumped up to watch it. But then I got intrigued by these unfamiliar characters and wanted to know more about them. That is how Six of Crows got into my list. But, oh boy it surprised me and took me for a heist ride to say the least. I loved it and gave it a 5/5. Expect the review soon!!




6) Second First Impressions by Sally Thorne







Like I said, I had ditched my TBR plans and was just going to follow where my mood led me. That is how I started Second First Impressions by Sally Thorne. Her style is just so easy to read that I couldn’t stop. And just like that, I finished another rom-com. This is basically a hate to love or rather friends to lovers rom com. I wouldn’t dig too much deeper into it. It is your regular falling for the hero love story. What’s not to enjoy? I rated it a 3/5. 

Review coming soon!!








7)Damon Ich by Aaron D Key






Damon Ich is the sequel to Herai a sci-fi fantasy read that I read last year. So, I had to read the second book to know more, obviously. This one debunks our perception of space, time and reality. While I enjoyed the challenge, it was taxing sometimes. And the book acknowledges it too. Humanity is not meant to experience time this way. The non-linearity had me kept going but also made me work for the pleasure that one expects from reading a book. To put things in perspective, it reminded me of that time when I watched Tenet. So I ended up giving it a 3/5.







8)The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts









The Bookworm Crush is my YA rom com fix of the month. This is a spin off to The Replacement Crush. I haven’t read it but I am definitely planning to. Again The Bookworm Crush is a friends to lovers trope read. We follow Amy who is a bookworm but has a huge crush on the town’s heartthrob and star surfer, Toff. You know how this ends. It is yet again a heart warming easy rom com read that I enjoyed. I will be posting a detailed review of the book soon. For now, all I can say is, it was entertaining particularly if you are a bookish community person. I ended up giving it a 3/5.







As you can see, I have had a great reading month in May. And I hope the streak continues in June as well. 

All I have to say is follow your heart. Read whatever you want and stay happy.

Let me know in the comments if you have read and enjoyed any of these books. Or not. 

Happy reading everyone!!!



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