WWW Wednesday | 21 October 2020



Dear Bookbugs,




It is time for another WWW Wednesday!!



The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking a World of Words.

This is a simple  meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.




  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?





And then link the host’s blog to your post and if possible leave a comment in theirs.





1)What are you currently reading?






I have been reading two books simultaneously. I just started a few pages in two books. One of them is, Second Cousins Once Removed by Kenneth L Toppell for TheWriteReads Ultimate blog tour. This is a mystery thriller and goes generally with what I wish to read in October. It is compelling so far. Henry Atkinson is an everyday attorney, until he digs around his genealogy and investigate a family member who didn’t want to be found.

It is too early for me to comment on the book right now since I have read only less than fifty pages.



The other book that I am reading right now is Hunted By the Sky by Tanaz Bathena. Again, I will be posting my review of this book later. It is still too early to express my opinion on it.







Hunted by the Sky is a YA fantasy inspired by medieval India. The Indian elements mentioned is already making me curious. We follow Gul who is hunted by the king of Ambar, because of her birthmark. Gul trains to be a warrior and wants her revenge against the king who took her family away from her. 





2) What did you recently finish reading?





The book I just finished reading is Blood and Honey by Shelby Mahurin. I was expecting a lot from this book since this is the sequel to Serpent and Dove. I loved Serpent and Dove and the way it ended. Naturally I expected this book to elevate from that place of love. I did love the characters and the plot too because I am already invested in the series but it didn’t surpass the first book for me. Anyway, Reid, Lou, Coco and Ansel are on the run after the events of the first book and the plot picks up from there.




3) What will you read next?






The next book that I am probably going to read after this will be My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing. I am going blind into this book, since this was a thriller I was saving up for October. This is about a couple who are just like any other married couple living happily with secrets. Only, theirs just happens to be murder. I am expecting a suburban mystery thriller with the Big Little Lies or Little Fires Everywhere vibe.






Those are the books in my life for the week. I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts about these books. 












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