Bookbugworld’s August Wrap Up | 2023



Dear Bookbugs,







August was a good month in terms of reading for me. I read a total of seven books which was greater than my usual average of five. Without any more delay let’s take a look at all the books I read in the month of August.











1)Lost Girl by Sana Shetty







I bought this book sometime back just because of the cover, honestly. The cover looks gorgeous and I have never seen snow in my life. So, I had to have it on my shelf. The premise sounded amazing too as the story follows Shanaya who lost her memory and is living with this retired couple in Fagu. The whole book is about the suspense of who the girl is and the dangers that follow her in this otherwise quiet place. The premise and the set up was good but the characters mostly fell flat for me. Most of them were just one-dimensional and the main character herself was making frustrating choices which did not make it easy to root for her. I rated this one a 2.5/5. (Review available soon)








2)The Fine Print by Lauren Asher






Finally, I jumped on the bandwagon for the Dreamland Billionaire series. I was curious to know what the hype was all about. It didn’t disappoint in terms of entertainment value. Although some things would make you raise your eyebrows, the chemistry between Zahra and Rowan had me sold. If you aren’t aware of the story, The Fine Print follows the youngest of the three Kane brothers, Rowan. He is the heir to a Disneyland-ish theme park called Dreamland. Meanwhile, Zahra is an employee at the same theme park and things happen where they are forced to work together and you can guess the rest.

I enjoyed this one and rated it a 3/5. (Review available soon)








3)Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey





I read Secretly Yours earlier this year and wanted to complete the series, A Vine mess. This one had a better review than the first book. Naturally, I picked up to see more. The characters August and Natalie were familiar from the first book itself. Honestly, I liked the first book more than this one. It was a fun breezy Tessa Bailey read as usual. It had the whole marriage of convenience and hate-to-love trope going on. Gave me some It Happened One Summer vibes, but fun nonetheless. I rated it a 3.5/5. (Review available soon)







4) Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney







Most people read romances as a palette cleanser. I read so many romances this month, that I needed a thriller to cleanse my palette. I’ve read Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney and enjoyed it a lot. Naturally, I went into this one with great expectations. I cannot compare the two. But this one was more of a character-based mystery than a thriller. It was entertaining and I rated it a 3.5/5. (Review )






5)Mile High by Liz Tomforde








I discovered this book randomly on a booktube video. The cover and the premise intrigued me. This is a sports romance. The sport in focus here is ice hockey, which I am unfamiliar with. But, I understand league matches and what the stakes are and I have a cursory understanding of field hockey. Besides, the romance is the central element in this story. Zanders is the star player and Steveie is the resident flight attendant for their away matches. This is once again a hate-to-love romance. I was surprised by this book since I didn’t expect much going into it. I enjoyed it and rated it a 4/5. ( Review available soon.)






6) Noah’s Ark by Victoria Williamson








I read this middle-grade novel for TheWriteReads blog tour. It was a heartwarming story about humanity and hope. As you can guess from the title, we follow the eleven-year-old Norah Day who loves rescuing animals. And she finds a friend in Adam. Both are dealing with their own kind of issues but together they find friendship and joy.  I enjoyed this a lot and rated it a 4/5. ( Review )








7) Scareground by Angela Kecojevic







Once again, a middle-grade novel for an upcoming TheWriteReads blog tour. I won’t say much about this book since my review is coming up next week. But Scareground is more than what meets your eye. We follow Nancy Day who is raised in a baker’s family. But she always wondered whether there was more to her life.  She could speak to the sky and had a strange birthmark that was to be kept hidden at all times. And then comes the mysterious fair, Scareground which changes her life altogether. 


I enjoyed this one and rated it a 4/5. (Review available soon.)






Those are all the books I read in the month of August. Hope you enjoyed reading about them. If you have read any of these books, or if you wish to read any of these books, let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Happy Reading Everyone!!











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1 Response

  1. October 18, 2023

    […] But, one particular character I would not want lurking nearby is the Immortal Kosamaras from the House of Salt and Sorrows. She is known as the Harbinger of Madness and Nightmares. That’s the last thing I want on a […]