Category: FunBug

My Reading Goals for 2024

It’s the beginning of a new year and I am sharing some of my bookish reading goals for the year with you.

WWW Wednesday | 17 March 2021

The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. This is a simple  meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.

WWW Wednesday | 18 March 2020

WWW Wednesday | 18 March 2020

This is my first meme ever since I started blogging. What prompted me to do so? Well, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Now seems the right time to begin since blogging takes my...

Bookbug’s Featured Bloggers Series | Episode 13

Bookbug’s Featured Bloggers Series | Episode 13

Dear Bookbugs,   This is our second Q and A with the fantasy loving reader in the Featured Blogger Series. And today we have, Nora Eliana aka El from the blog Papertea and Bookflowers  ...

Booklist for Summerathon

Booklist for Summerathon

Dear Bookbugs, It is summer at some part of the globe while I have monsoon on full swing here. However, summer reads are always my favorite kind of books. Which is why I’m participating in...

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series | Episode 11

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series | Episode 11

Dear Bookbugs,   Following our list of lifestyle/book bloggers in the Featured Blogger Series, I am so proud to present this blogger here. She is a fellow country woman and we Indians are definitely people...

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series | Episode 10

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series | Episode 10

Dear Bookbugs,   Featured Blogger Series is once again starting a new theme – a chat with lifestyle/book bloggers. It is April. Some part of the world has spring and then there are us who...