WWW Wednesday | 17 March 2021

Dear Bookbugs,









It is time for yet another WWW Wednesday!! 


The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking a World of Words.

This is a simple  meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.




  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?





And then link the host’s blog to your post and if possible leave a comment in theirs.



Let me share, what is happening in my current reading week.



1)What are you currently reading?




At the moment I am reading The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher. I have read another thriller by her last year, The Wives. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it as much. The Wrong Family is interesting and mysterious as far as the first few pages are concerned. It is a suburban family thriller. Juno is a retired psychologist who moved in with the Crouch family. Juno finds out that what looks like a perfect family from the outside, is not exactly that when you see what is happening inside the four walls of their home. 

I am really hoping this book manages to pull off the same intrigue from where it stared. The Wives had a similar build up which had me disappointed in the end. 





2) What did you recently finish reading?






The book I recently finished reading was Until it Fades by K A Tucker. This was published a few years back and it really shows. I went for it anyway because I was interested to read another work from the author after The Simple Wild series. It had that fairy tale aspect to it where this “ordinary” single mother’s life changes after she rescues a star hockey player. It was a fun one time romance. I will be posting a detailed review of the book soon.







3) What will you read next?




The book that I am planning to read next is a YA fantasy named Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron. I have been hearing good things about this book. The concept itself is unique. Cinderella is long gone, but she has set this precedence where women are supposed to find their match in this Annual Ball. One can easily see why this kind of thing can become a tradition which is far from the original purpose of Cinderella’s story. This is another take on the classic fairy tale and I can’t wait to start, it to be honest.





That’s my reading update for the week. I hope you have enjoyed reading about it. If you have enjoyed any of these books, let me know your thoughts and opinions.




Happy Reading everyone !!! 















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