The Sunday Post | 10 July 2022




Dear Bookbugs,





It is time for another Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer

It is a recap of all the things that happened in your life–blog, book or otherwise. 








Yesterday, my colleague and neighbour finally vacated her house and moved out of the town where I am working. We both came here together last year and got to know each other for a few months. Since we both came from the same district, we had a few things in common and we both were new to the town. Unfortunately, her mother got diagnosed with cancer and she had to move back to take care of her. She used to travel back and forth and eventually got a favourable posting. Her mother is recovering now, and it is all good at the moment. Moving around and saying goodbyes has always been a part of my life. Still, each time I say goodbye to someone, I wonder if our paths would ever cross again. 


It is constantly raining here for the last two weeks. Everything is cold and wet. When I say cold, it is probably 25-26 degree Celsius. That’s cold where I come from. The upside of it is I am curling up in my bed and getting back to reading with a flourish. I finished all but one book from my June TBR. 

And I have some exciting news. I am taking part in a readathon hosted by Bookleaf Publishing . It is a 21-day reading challenge. All you have to do is show up and read. My main reason for doing this is to assign a dedicated time for reading every day. With this, I am hoping to get back on track with my Goodreads reading challenge. The readathon starts today and ends on July 31st. I am hoping I could pull it off. I will update my progress in the coming Sunday posts.



Here is me giving you a quick update on the previous week and things to look forward to in the coming week:








Previous Week Blog Posts















Upcoming Reviews
















Review of the Week







I was looking for an atmospheric read (because of the weather) in my WordPress reader when I stumbled upon this review of Red Wolf by Rachel Vincent in Julie’s blog OneBookMore . I am glad that I saved this one because this one sounds like the perfect monsoon read for me.






Whether I get to it or not, it is a comfort to have every kind of book in one’s TBR.







Series of the Week







This series had caught my eye a long time back. I love TVF’s content and it is good to see them expanding and collaborating with giant OTT platforms like Amazon Prime Video. As someone who herself quit a corporate job to work in a rural setting, Panchayat had my interest in the premise. It was a pleasant experience binge-watching the first season and I cannot wait to get to the second season.












Currently Reading













Hope you enjoyed the update. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.







Happy Reading Everyone!!!










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