Category: Fantasy

Book Review | The Deck Of Omens | By Christine Lynn Herman

The Deck of Omens lived up to the expectations of anyone who read and actually enjoyed the twisted tale of Four Paths in The Devouring Gray. Although, the words like “quarantine” and “airborne” were too real to be honest.


Catalyst | By Tracy Richardson

    My thoughts     Narrative and Plot       Catalyst advocates the need to care for our planet with a strong plot. The message it delivers is vital and the approach is...


The Wrongful Death | By Kenneth B Anderson

My thoughts Narrative and Plot   The Great Philip Engel is back to Hell once again. And this time he wants to find his lost friend Sam. With each book, I am loving this series...


The Testaments | By Margaret Atwood

My thoughts       Before we get into The Testaments, I’ve read The Handmaid’s Tale a few years back. Naturally, some of the character names and details skipped my memory. But I watched the...

The Die of Death | By Kenneth B Anderson 0

The Die of Death | By Kenneth B Anderson

Thank You #TheWriteReads #TheWriteReadsonTour and Kenneth B Anderson for providing me an e-Copy of The Die of Death in exchange of an honest review as part of the #blogtour. My thoughts Narrative and Plot The...

Venators Magic Unleashed | By Devri Walls 1

Venators Magic Unleashed | By Devri Walls

Thank You #TheWriteReads for making me a part of the #UltimateBlogTour. And also, providing me with an ecopy of Venators Magic Unleashed in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts     Narrative and Plot...