Stay At Home Booktag

Dear Bookbugs,


After three months into quarantine I am finally ready to do the Stay At Home booktag. I don’t know if I qualify for this booktag because I don’t get to stay at home much. I work in public service which means I have been on duty this whole time. As of now, I am working full time with full attendance. But yes, I took a week off because it was getting all very stressful and I needed a break. So, taking into account, the now and then personal days off, I think I can do this tag.


Anyway, the Stay at Home booktag is originally created for booktube by Princess of Paperbacks

From there on, it just went everywhere in the bookish community. So here I am with my own version of it even though no one tagged me. So, if you’re someone who wants to do this tag and reading this now, consider yourself tagged!!



Here we go,


1)Laying in Bed – a book you could/have read in a day




Last month I finished this book in two days, literally, lying down in my bed. The Testaments by Margaret Atwood is the sequel to the Handmaids Tale which I read a few years back. I was so captivated by the story and where it will lead. Years of pent up curiosity to know what happened to Offred is what got me into finishing this book so quickly. Ever since my reading has been on a high.


2) Snacking – Guilty pleasure book



This is a tough one because I don’t know what exactly are guilty pleasures. But the original booktag says it can be a book that you can return to on any day. If we go by that logic I would say I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella. Romantic chic-lit novels are my go to reads anytime of the year. But this one, I have loved it ever since I read it the first time. Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton have lifted me from several reading slumps in the last decade.



3)Netflix – Series you want to start



I read a few pages of the Scythe from the Arc of a Scythe Series last year but never got to finish it. So, this is a trilogy I can’t wait to start. Now that all the books are out I can finish it back to back. So, that will be my “Netflix” pick. Arc of Scythe is a series set in the futuristic world where an AI has cured all ailments and humanity has conquered death. Yeah, that’s ironic. So the job of a scythe is to keep the balance by eliminating people as if death existed. If I get the time to start a series, this will be my go to pick.


4) Deep Clean – A book on your TBR for ages




Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid is perhaps one of the most hyped books of 2019. I have the E-book but it is just sitting there since last year. That and many other Taylor Jenkins Reid books to be honest. One True Loves, Forever Interrupted are still on my TBR but since Daisy Jones is the most hyped one, I will go with that.



5) Animal Crossing – A book you recently bought because of the hype


First things first, I don’t have Animal Crossing. I am not much of a gamer anyway. But yes, I admit I have bought books because of the hype and I am still planning to buy books that are being hyped. One such book on the list is Beach Reads. But, the one I bought just because of the hype is The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary. It was on Scribd but for some reason it kept showing “not available in your country”. Normally I would wait for a few months because it will be available once the book is released in my country, I think. At some point it will be available because it is on Scribd and I am already paying for it every month. But I couldn’t wait for Flatshare because everyone who read it said they loved it. I haven’t gotten around reading it but I really hope it lives up to the hype.



6) Productivity – A book you learnt or had an impact on you


Two books for this one. First one is You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. I can’t say I completed this book. But that is a deliberate choice. This book has me all motivated and optimistic just a few pages into it. So I am savoring it reading only snippets when I need some motivation.


And the best part is, no matter what kind of day you had any chapter from this book speaks volumes to you. It just boosts up your confidence when you are doubting yourself.

The second book is Kaizen by Sarah Harvey. I won this book in the PanMacMillan India giveaway. The book is about making incremental changes in your life and it really works wonders. You can be comfortable with the simple steps of change in your life and be content.




7) Facetime – A book you were gifted




Ok, I have never received books as gifts. I have won them as prizes as a child and even now in giveaways. But there a couple of real life friends who also share my love of reading. And one of them actually gifted me a book on my birthday five years back. Yeah, that’s when I got a book as a gift. But it was worth it and I am sharing the book with you guys. It’s the classic To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. Needless to say I was moved by this book. This book can move mountains, and I am no exception. The sheer innocence and the brilliance of story telling still fascinates me. I wish I had a blog back then so that I could share my exact feelings when I read the book.



8) Self Care – What is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself


I have started a whole new series based on Kaizen by Sarah Harvey. It is called Learning With Kaizen and I explain how I am taking care of myself  during this time. I am trying to walk everyday and meditate as much as possible. Those are the simple things that I can do for now. 


BONUS – Name a book coming out soon


Like I said, Beach Read is the one book that I am hearing about everywhere. I am looking forward to reading it. Other than that, Stephanie Meyer announced the official release of “Midnight Sun” in August 2020. I have always wished I could read the complete version of the book. So that’s a release I am really happy about.



So this is my version of the #stayathomebooktag. If you’re doing this tag let me know in the comments. I would love to know your answers.


Stay safe and Happy Reading everyone.












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8 Responses

  1. Fun tag and great answers! I’ve been seeing Beach Read everywhere but it has been one of my most anticipated reads since I heard about it 😀 I loved Daisy Jones (I listened to the audiobook!) and The Flatshare <3 The Arc of a Scythe series is great as well! Hope you enjoy all of these.

    • Rejitha says:

      Thank you 😊
      I will search for Daisy Jones audiobook in Scribd.

  2. Ellie Rayner says:

    This was a great post! I hope you get to read all the ones you haven’t picked up yet!

  3. Scythe is definitely one I’ve been meaning to read and haven’t gotten around to yet!

    • Rejitha says:

      Me too… I read a few chapterss and stopped. But the whole idea is so unique I want to try again.

  1. May 26, 2020

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