Bookbugworld’s October Wrap Up | 2020





Dear Bookbugs,





It’s time to give  a wrap up of the month. October was not exactly a great month for me in general. I was feeling quite demotivated and it generally reflected in my reading habits as well. But, that’s just how the whole year has been, because, if we sit down and think about it, there is this feeling of being stuck. In the end, however, we have to power through and keep going. Looking back, I was surprised to see that I have actually maintained the monthly reading average. So maybe, in the larger picture this year is just a blink and life goes on.




Anyway, you are here to look at the books, not to see my rant. And, here we go,





1)You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle





I was supposed to finish this book by September since I bought it a long time back. I haven’t seen many people talking about it. You Deserve Each Other is a contemporary romance read and it is a different angle about second chances. I was a bit skeptical at the beginning because the plot was on the edge of being whiny and pessimistic but it pulled out, just when I thought it was going overboard. Overall, I enjoyed the book and rated it a 4/5.

I will be posting a detailed review pretty soon.




2)Ricochet by Kathryn Berla





This is a netgalley e-Arc that I should have read in October 2019 itself. However, I managed to read it a year later. Better late than never, I guess.  When I read the description, I was thinking something thrilling like Orphan Black and requested the book. Unfortunately, the plot was weak and slow paced despite having four different versions of the main character. A lot could have been done there especially with the possibility of a mean spirited evil antagonist. But, the book didn’t catch up till the end and I was left wanting for more. I rated this one a 2.5 /5. You can read my detailed review here.







3) Second Cousins Once Removed By Kenneth L Toppell







This book was a surprise addition to my TBR for the TheWriteReads blog tour. Once again, this is another book that had intriguing settings and premise. The whole set up and characters made me expect a lot. Then again, it turned out to be a pretty cliched and unflattering thriller. I rated the book a 3/5. You can read my detailed non-spoiler review here.






4) Blood and Honey  by Shelby Mahurin




This is yet another hyped book for which I had very high expectations. The second book in the Serpent and Dove series, Blood and Honey is a YA fantasy that carries the theme of opposite attracts. Only, the entire book felt like a repetition of character arcs. Don’t get me wrong. I loved the book as a standalone but this is not one. It is a sequel and it pretty much repeats the character arcs of the previous book. As someone who loved the first Serpent and Dove book for its amazing character arcs , it was a set back for me. I still enjoyed the book a lot and rated it a 3/5.



5) Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena




After being let down by quite a few books in the month, I was keeping my expectations low for this book. May be that’s why I ended up liking this one a lot. The whole desi theme in a fantasy was refreshing and I am hoping it would be a trend. We need more stuff like this. Besides that, Hunted By the Sky is a fast paced adventurous story even if it deals with a tried and tested trope of the chosen one. The plot addresses that and exposes the responsibilities that come with it. Overall, I enjoyed the book and rated it a 4/5. 





Those are all the books I managed to read in October. I am already looking forward to reading more in November and the good news is I have started working on my own little writing project. Wish me luck guys!!





If you have read any of these books, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


Happy reading everyone!!








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