Bookbugworld’s May TBR 2020

Dear Bookbugs,


April had been generally kind to me but I set up a target of seven books of which I could only complete five. But I am not giving up yet. I really want to up my reading average. So I am pushing for more books in May as well. Let’s see, how this turns out.




Here we go,



1) The Wrongful Death by Kenneth B Anderson



I started this book by the end of April since I had a blog tour commitment. The Wrongful Death is the third book in the Great Devil War series. Philip Engel is back to Hell with yet another mission. Sam accidentally ends up in the underworld and Philip vows to rescue his former foe and now friend.

I received an E-Book from TheWriteReads in exchange for an honest review as part of their blog tour. If you have been following my blog, you would know that I am already a fan of The Great Devil War series. The series started out as a middle grade fantasy. But now the characters are growing up and with each book things get darker and darker. I am already half way through the book and will probably finish it by the time this post comes out.


2) The Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis





Lola Nox is the daughter of the famous horror film director Nolan Nox. When something terrible happens in New York, Lola is shipped off to her mother’s hometown – Harrow Lake – where her father’s iconic horror movie “Nightjar” was shot. The leading lady of the movie was none other than Lola’s mother, Lorelei. Out there in the mysterious and superstitious town which seems to have frozen in the 1920s, Lola learns some secrets. But Lola has her own secrets too. If she is not careful enough, those secrets will eat her up.

This book again is part of TheWriteReads Ultimate Blog Tour. I rarely read horror books. In my memory, this is the first paranormal book I am reading ever since I am an adult. I have started this one as well because if I need to finish this one, I need an early start because I am NOT going to read this at night! The story is captivating as far as I can tell and I hope the set up pays off in the end. You’ll find more details in my review soon.



3) What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter



As you can see, the first two books for this month are pretty much bleak. Naturally, I am inclined to read something light and fluffy. I tried to go on themes each month but these days, I prefer to read according to my mood. So mixing things up, the third book for this month is a YA romance. Now, I read contemporary adult romance books but YA romance, not so much. But this book is about a girl named Halle. Only Halle isn’t Halle in the virtual world. She goes by Kels and is an awesome book blogger. That is the idea that had me sold. Kels has a virtual best friend, Nash. But Halle’s worlds collide when she meets Nash IRL, ( in real life – just in case) she decides to keep the two lives separate and drama ensues. I am hoping to read a light romance which also sheds light on the complexities of modern day relationships.



4) The Belfore Void by Joey Rogers



The e-copy of this book was sent to me by the Booktatsers in exchange for an honest review. It’s been a long time since I read a science fiction book. So I am really looking forward to reading this one. Andi dreams to be a an actor but she ends up doing a PHD in Voidology at Belford University. She has a special talent. Andi can remember everything she hears. Thirty years ago, two scientists in Belfore died when they accidentally opened up a portal to the Void. After countless research and being inactive for years, the Void has now become just a joke. But there are people who are still studying the void and when they hear about Andi’s unusual talent, trouble stirs up.

The premise of the book sounds really mysterious and intriguing. And I am hoping for an action packed thriller science fiction story.


5) The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans




As I have stated before adult contemporary romances are my go to reads. This one is an e-ARC from NetGalley. The book comes out on 8th May, 2020. Hallie Winstone has been fired on a Monday!! Well, it’s not all bad because the same day she finds out that she is the lucky owner of a bookshop!! I know we all wish this happened to us, right? Or is it just me? Anyway, Hallie is thrilled as she always wanted to own a bookshop. And then she stumbles into secret love letters hidden at the first page of every book, Hallie knows she has found something special. The question is, will she find her own happiness in this brand new chance?


So, here’s why I want to read this. 1. Bookshop 2. Love story 3. Hidden love letters inside every book.


Ok I know, all this sounds too cheesy but you need your cheese once in a month!!!


6) The Little Bookshop At Herring Cove by Kellie Hales



This is another e-ARC that I got from NetGalley probably a year ago. And since I am tackling the Bookshop stories, I thought why not give this one a try as well. This is a hate to love trope, I think. Sophie Jones loves her book shop and would never surrender it to the corporate property dealer Alexander Fletcher. But then Alex comes up with a plan to help her shop succeed. Could this be the start of something new?

Books and romance always go hand in hand. There is something magical about reading stories with the backdrop of a bookshop. Once again, that is my main draw to this book.



7) The Essence of Perfection by Nita Brooks


This is another NetGalley e-ARC which I actually signed up for thinking it is a thriller. Turns out, this one is a contemporary fiction that already came out in April.


Nicola King is an iconic fragrance maker and mystery is the USP of her brand. However a social spill forces Nicola to go after everything she ever wanted. But in this journey, some secrets could be revealed which might take away everything from Nicola’s life. This story is all about Nicola finding the courage to face life as it is.


The synopsis definitely sounds like a hard hitting contemporary fiction/ drama book. After a few breezy reads, I am hoping this will bring a variety to the mix.



Those  are the books that I have planned to read this month. Hopefully I will complete them all. Have you read any of these books? If so, share your thoughts in the comments.


Happy reading everyone!!!










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3 Responses

  1. booksare42 says:

    Good luck with your TBR!

  1. May 6, 2020

    […] Well, at the moment I have finished two books with a morbid theme at a row. Naturally I made a shift to a light and fluffy adult contemporary romance read with the backdrop of a book store. Yes, the book I am reading at the moment is The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans. You can read the details of this book in my May TBR post.  […]