Bookbugworld’s March TBR | 2021

Dear Bookbugs,





After a traditionally active January reading month, I had a lull in February. However, the whole reading scene is shifting by the end of the month. I am keeping the list light anyway anticipating a few blog tours.



So here’s my reading plan for the month.



1) Until it Fades by K A Tucker






After finishing the Simple Wild series, I was snooping around for a K A Tucker book when I found Until It Fades. It has a Cinderella-ish vibe to it. Which is why I am curious to see K A Tucker’s spin to it. Catherine Wright is someone who is running away from the limelight. And yet, she comes into one when she rescues a hockey player from a life threatening accident. It doesn’t help that there is some kind of attraction between them. 

Since I am in the mood for a rom com at the beginning of the month, this one seems like a good pick.






2) Forget Me Not by Anca Antoci





This one is a bit personal. I have interacted a lot with the author Anca who is such a sweet and kind person. We share the same Twitter group where I came to know about her fantasy series, Chimera trilogy. And I just had to read it. It is such a thrill to a read book when you know the author. So, all I know is that this is a fantasy series and I am going in blind. From what little I know it is a fantasy story about chosen ones and vampires. 






3) Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Baron








I heard about this book from my fellow book blogger Ellie who also gave a beautiful review on Goodreads. This book has been on my radar for a while but after reading Ellie’s thoughts I am even more interested in this. It is a spin on how Cinderella set this impossible standard which impact girls even after she is dead. The premise itself sounds interesting and the cover looks stunning. Do I need anymore reasons to pick this one?





4) The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher





So, if you’re in India you don’t need too much information when I say I watched Drishyam 2 on Amazon Prime recently. This movie is a family crime thriller drama. Inspired by that I am curious to read The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher. I have read The Wives from the same author but let’s just say I wasn’t a great fan. But hey, there is always a second chance. We follow Juno a retired therapist who wants to spend her retirement days peacefully. Only when she moves in with the Crouch family, does she realise that this is the Wrong family!! 


Another family thriller for entertainment. I am all in.




5) Muskrat Ramble by Mim Eichmann






The sequel to the historical fiction A Sparrow Alone, I was hoping to read this last month itself but couldn’t. However the book is coming out this month. So now is a good time as any to read it. A Sparrow Alone had a very open ending and the book picks up from Hannah Owens life where she resiliently created a space for herself. 





And those are the books that I wish to read this month. I know it is not a lot, but I have a few books to finish from the February TBR itself and I am anticipating a few blog tours. So this mix and match of books is all I am planning to read at the moment. 

Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these books. If so, what are your thoughts on them or even better if you have a review.


Happy reading everyone!!!






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