Category: 2020

WWW Wednesday  |  21 October 2020

WWW Wednesday | 21 October 2020

The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. This is a simple  meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.

Book Review | Thin Girls | By Diana Clarke

Thin Girls is one of those books which expanded my worldview. Being a foodie, I have never considered that a person might be sick enough that they cannot eat.

Bookbugworld’s September Wrap Up

    Dear Bookbugs,           September has been a happy reading month for me in general. I managed to go through all the books in my TBR and then some. Let’s...

Bookbugworld’s October TBR 2020

A list of atmospheric books, thrillers, fantasy and cozy rom-coms for the month of October. Read more about my October TBR.

Book Review | Herai | By Aaron D Key

Herai is an intriguing thriller that explores the philosophy of life in general. Go for it, if you’re interested in reading something unconventional.  

Book Review | We Are Family | By Nicola Gill

We Are Family is a one time read which explores familial relationships and how it shapes our own personalities. This is definitely not a quick read. So pick it, if you have plenty of time to read about family drama and dealing with trauma.