Bookbugworld’s Top 5 books of 2019

Dear Bookbugs,



It’s a new decade and as bookbugs we all hope to read more and better books. And yes like any book blogger, I want to feature the books that I enjoyed the most in 2019. These books are not just based on my star rating system. It is in fact books that I consider close to heart in the previous year.



  1. Otherwise Engaged


Otherwise Engaged by Lindsey J Palmer was a pleasant surprise for me. I went into it expecting a chic-lit or breezy romance but it turned out to be a compelx and deeper take on modern day relationships. The story dwells into how easily we can lose ourselves in the chaos of social media and how it affects our personal lives. In the end, the book rises above this by dealing with a conflict in a very real life way instead of taking a dramatic or comical direction.


2. 100 Days of Sunlight



100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons is a must-read YA romance. This debut novel as the name indicates brings out so much positivity and inspiration that cannot be ignored by any book lover. With amazing characters and their heart touching lives, this book definitely goes beyond the scope of a YA romance. I would definitely go back to this one anytime when I feel a bit low.


3. The Printed Letter Bookshop



The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay is a book lover’s paradise to begin with. This is a simple heart warming story of friendship and life. The book didn’t really overwhelm me at the time like the other ones mentioned here. But do you know the feeling of remembering a book with certain fondness after a few days? That’s what this book is to me. It took some time to set in like a good wine. But I can easily go for a re-read.



4. Things You Save in a Fire



Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center is one of the hyped books that I went for. It didn’t disappoint at all. And yes, I loved it like anybody else. The story has a fresh take on certain delicate topics. In the age where everyone wants retribution for anything and everything, here is a book that talks about forgiveness and fresh start. This is a beautiful story of the unsual life of a female firefighter.


5. Serpent and Dove


Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin was another hyped book that surprised me with its unusual ending. Going into it with all the hype, I admit I was a bit smug. What could be new in a YA Fantasy that features good and evil. Guess what, there can be something new. This isn’t a perfect book but the overall plot and the characters make up for a good read. As an adult I enjoyed this book.




These are my top 5 picks of 2019. Have if you read anyone of these books? Did you love or hate it? Share your experiences and favorite reads in the comments.


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