Tagged: UltimateBlogtour


Harrow Lake | By Kat Ellis

My thoughts         Harrow Lake is my first ever experience reading a paranormal book. Perhaps those who are experienced in this genre might feel differently but these are the views of a...

Venators Magic Unleashed | By Devri Walls 1

Venators Magic Unleashed | By Devri Walls

Thank You #TheWriteReads for making me a part of the #UltimateBlogTour. And also, providing me with an ecopy of Venators Magic Unleashed in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts     Narrative and Plot...

The Devil’s Apprentice | By Kenneth B Anderson 0

The Devil’s Apprentice | By Kenneth B Anderson

I received an e-copy of the book from @TheWriteReads for the #UltimateBlogTour       My thoughts     Narrative and Plot One of the most important things about Fantasy books, is the world building,...