Girl Gone Viral | By Alisha Rai
Book Review | Contemporary Romance

My thoughts
Narrative and Plot
Girl Gone Viral is a feel-good romantic book which can be best described as a friends to lovers trope, perhaps. We follow the two main characters, Katrina and Jas. The story starts with great promises. The lead characters have striking chemistry. The pacing is even throughout.
However, the plot sets us up for some significant events but never pays off. A lot of it, especially Jas’s character arc, feels incomplete. Perhaps it is just me. But when a few big events are mentioned at the story’s beginning, the normal expectation is to see those events come back and be payoffs for all the mounting tension. That felt missing in the book.
Characters and Conflicts
Katrina definitely left a mark in The Right Swipe. It is good to see her own story here. Since she has the advantage of already being an established character, her actions in the story made sense regarding who she is and how much care she took in being a recluse. From there, completing her journey by facing her fears was remarkable.
However, Jas’s character arc wasn’t as elaborate. Not because there was no mention of him in the previous book. But his character didn’t show substantial growth other than his relationship with Katrina.
The ensemble cast, as mentioned before, has been wholesome, which helped the story a lot.
Overall, I enjoyed the story, especially the romance element. It was sweet and heartwarming. However, the ending wasn’t up to the mark compared to the rest of the plot, which is why Girl Gone Viral will be a one time read for me.
I enjoyed reading review. Girl Gone Viral has slowly become a comfort read because I think their romance is extremely sweet. I do agree that Jas’s growth isn’t substantial, but I did appreciate his change toward being more open with the peoole around him.
Thank you for the response. I can see this becoming a comfort read because of the romance. But yes, I would have loved to see a little bit more of character development for Jas.