Category: 2023

Bunny | By Mona Awad

Reading Bunny was one of the most entertaining experiences of the year. However, it ended up being a one time read for me.

Bell Time | By Sophie Toovey

If you are a fan of authors like Sophie Kinsella, Catherine Walsh and Jill Mansell, you will end up loving Bell Time.

The Sunday Post | 11 June 2023

The Sunday Post is a book meme hosted by Kimberley @CaffeinatedReviewer. It is a roundup of all things bookish that you wish to share with your fellow readers.

Break | By Clare Littlemore

Break, the second book in the Flow series was even more engaging than the first one. Life for Quin won’t be the same again ever.

The Club | By Ellery Lloyd

The Club is a closed-circuit thriller with x/y variables. I  would say go for it if this kind of entertainer is your thing.