The Pawnshop of Stolen Dreams | By Victoria Williamson | Illustrated by James Brown



Book Review | TheWriteReads Ultimate Blog Tour | Middle Grade Fantasy







Synopsis :






In a strange little village called Witchetty Hollow, eleven-year-old Florizel is the first to run into the curious visitors who’ve come to open a brand new Daydream Delicatessen and sack-baby factory.

At first, it seems the daydream confection and cheap sack children are the best things that could have happened to the poor folk of the Hollow – after all, who has the money to rent their child from Storkhouse Services these days? But after a few weeks, Florizel starts to notice something odd happening to the adults of the town. First, they seem dreamy, then they lose all interest in their jobs and families. Soon they’re trading all their worldly goods in the newly-opened Pawnshop for money to buy daydreams. With no money for rent payments, the children of Witchetty Hollow are being reclaimed by Storkhouse Services at an alarming rate. Florizel needs to act.

A magical tale of intrigue and adventure from award-winning children’s author Victoria Williamson.









My thoughts





Narrative and Plot



The Pawnshop of Stolen Dreams is the kind of book where you make the target audience, the middle graders, think and learn from the story while being scared and intrigued by the theatrics. For adults, this is even scarier when they realize that the theme isn’t too far-fetched.



The tone of the book is whimsical yet grim. A combination that you do not find that often. I feel like this is the kind of book that you can read aloud to a bunch of kids in the library. Or the Indian in me is thinking of rounding up all those young and wide-eyed nieces and nephews in the family and performing it on a rainy night and scarring them for life, maybe. Just kidding, I am not that evil.






Characters and Conflicts



We learn how high the stakes are for Florence right from the first page. Recollection is something that you absolutely need to avoid. Then we meet Burble, who is deathly scared of recycling. We follow these kids and their innocent banter and learn about the world they live in.

Florence, who is at first ashamed of Burble being found anywhere near her, has a complete arc by the end. Meanwhile, Burble too has a learning curve beyond apples and boats, where he learns his own value as an individual.

You have to suspend your disbelief and keep an open mind, especially when it comes to middle-grade books. It is meant for kids with a wild imagination and a sense of adventure. I am simply happy that I enjoy them so much, despite being an adult.







Overall, this was a quick and enjoyable read. In a world full of 30-second vertical videos, this story makes you consider how much of a commodity you really are, and if you are actually benefitting from these harmful indulgences.






About the Author








I received an e-Book for TheWriteReads ultimate blog tour in exchange for an honest review.







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