Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 3

Dear Bookbugs

On Day 20 of #Blogmas 2018 we have a very special third visitor for the Featured Blogger series. She is one of the sweetest bloggers around and is always out there supporting and helping you.

Our featured blogger of the day is Vinny and you can visit her amazing blog Artsydraft


Besides the book reviews, Vinny also has movie reviews and a memes section.

Follow her on Twitter :  @artsydraft        and      Instagram : @artsydraft

Here is a fun Q&A with Vinny.


  • The most favourite thing about your blog?

I think it’s going to be about designing and organizing it! I always love to tweak my layout and have a clear navigation so it’s accessible for my readers. Right now, I’m actually having an on-going makeover for my blog, both for future contents and also designs. Hopefully I can wrap it up before 2019 started!



  • Tell us about your special festive season. Your fondest memory of the festival?

I celebrated Eid and much like Christmas, it’s that time of the year where my big family gathered and we’re just being there with each other. We’d hanging around with pile of incredible foods that my mom and her sisters cooked, watched some TVs, talked about what everyone has been up to, you know, just having a good time, really.



  • Blogging world is on a Blogmas frenzy. What is the one festive theme you would like to have on your blog?(something unique..perhaps)

I’m not sure… does Halloween counts as festive? I did a Blogtober series this year and it was a really fun experience! I’m planning on doing it again next year!



  • Craziest gift you have ever received or gifted to someone?

So far, everything’s very, very normal. Hahaha.



  • You are granted a wish to travel anywhere in the world this December. Where would that be?

London! I can’t imagine how beautiful it will look especially during the festive season and with all the snows!



  • Tell us about the beautiful artworks you do for bloggers.

I’m not sure if the ‘artworks’ refers to the header/logo designs that I’ve been doing? And if it does, I’m not sure what should I tell about it? Hahaha, sorry. The question is a bit confusing.


I create my design by using various software & apps, really. Photoshop, Canva, PicsArt… whichever I can get my hands on! For those whose interested to have me working on their header, logo or any blog graphics, you can check my portfolio here and if you like what you see, feel free to contact via e-mail on or even DM me on Twitter, I won’t mind! Afterwards, we can discuss about the designs that you have in mind, any little details, fonts preference, additional illustration, color codes, etc etc and once I understand your request, we can talk about the price. I’ll start working on it immediately and the design will be finished around 2-3 days. However, I like to call this as the first draft, because you can totally ask me to do some minor fix if you want to change something. 🙂

  • Two Words – One that defines blogging year 2018 and the other one defines blogging year 2019

2018: Incredible!

2019: Improvement!


  • Congratulations! You have answered all the questions. How do you feel about them? (Don’t be nice. I am trying to spice it up here 😉 )

I feel the questions are too festive related, but I guess it’s because we’re still in December after all. And I think the questions are a bit too broad. Like let’s say the blogger that you want to be featured is a travel blogger, maybe you can ask all about their travelling experiences, favourite places, crazy stories, etc etc for the questions. Just a suggestion! 😊



One bookish message to all the bookbugs out there :

If you’re a newbie on reading (or maybe trying to read again and pick up your childhood hobby like me!) don’t feel guilty if you think you don’t read as much as the others! It’s no competition. Just enjoy the process and have some fun!

– Vinny




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2 Responses

  1. Checking this blog out! 😁

  2. Rejitha says:

    Thank You 🙂