Tagged: blogmas

Silent Days Holy Night | By Phyllis Clark Nichols 0

Silent Days Holy Night | By Phyllis Clark Nichols

About the Author Phyllis Clark Nichols was born in Georgia. She is a pianist and she loves cooking and travelling. Most importantly she has been actively involved in various humanitarian projects. Not only her stories,...

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 3

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 3

Dear Bookbugs On Day 20 of #Blogmas 2018 we have a very special third visitor for the Featured Blogger series. She is one of the sweetest bloggers around and is always out there supporting and...

#Tistheseasonathon |  Day ONE

#Tistheseasonathon | Day ONE

Dear bookbugs,   It is the day three of Blogmas and the beginning of the holiday readathon #tistheseasonathon!! This is a readathon hosted by one of my favorite Booktubers, Heather from Bookables.   Since this...

Christmas reads for Bookbugs

Christmas reads for Bookbugs

Dear bookbugs,   This is the second day of Bookbug’s blogmas. As you are aware, December is going to be full of Christmas books. Today I am going to share all my Christmas TBRs. The...

Blogmas – The Bookbug Way

Blogmas – The Bookbug Way

Dear readers,   I am so excited to share with you my December Bookbug plans. At this point, I should announce that Bookbugworld has officially commenced the Blogmas celebrations for 2018. This is my very...