Bookbugworld’s July TBR | 2022





Dear Bookbugs,





Another month and the hopes are the same. I wish to get on track with my reading game. Things are looking good since I have been able to read more by the end of June. Keeping the momentum, I have selected a few books I hope I would get through quickly. Mostly because I have wanted to read these books for some time. I hope that my choice of books focusing on the contemporary romance genre isn’t upsetting to any of you. I usually get out of my rut by reading my favourite genre. Every month, I have tried to include a few thrillers to balance the mix for the sake of it. But so far, it hasn’t worked out as I end up skipping it. I am looking at you, The Paris Apartment. 


This month, I am absolutely giving in to my whim and mood reading. After all, at the end of the day, the point is to enjoy reading. That is what this month’s choices are all about.



Stalling no longer, here we go :









1)The Atlas Six by Olivia Blake







You’re probably thinking why I made that whole rant about reading romances and dived right into a fantasy. The reason is I haven’t read a grand fantasy novel in a while. Sure enough, I have read some for blog tours and such, but none that caught my eye and I really wanted to read. The last time that happened was for Six of Crows duology. After that, I have read some wonderful fantasies that were review requests or blog tours but none that I chose to read if you get what I mean. 


The Atlas Six had my attention because I have seen this book around in the bookish community. Some really loved it and some didn’t. Then I come to Goodreads and find an average 3.8 rating. That is an above-average rating, but still not enough for the hype the book received, in my opinion. Basically, I want to find out what the fuss is all about.







The Atlas Six belongs to the dark academia theme as far as I can tell from the blurb. Atlas Blakely selects six initiates who are the chosen few magicians. They are to be initiated as members of this secret magical academic society and will have a grand life if they get to that point. The catch is only five of them will be qualified. One of them gets eliminated. All they have to do is survive a year preparing for the initiation.

The premise sounds great, and I cannot wait to read this one. 






2)Fool Me Once By Ashley Winstead






I have seen this book on booktube, mostly. The premise of the book had me add it to my TBR a few months back. We have our main character, Lee Stone, who works as a communications director for an electric car company. She is a modern woman who doesn’t believe in love. After experiencing quite a few heartbreaks, she doesn’t believe in relationships. Especially after almost getting cheated by Ben Laderman in grad school. But now, she meets him again and is forced to work with him. 

This sounds like a second chance and hate to love romance. I enjoy both the tropes and I am looking forward to reading this one.







3)Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev






I read Persuasion last month so that I could continue The Rajes series. This is the second book in the series. As you can tell from the title, it is a retelling of the Jane Austen novel. I read Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors in March and enjoyed it. I am hoping this one would be an entertaining retelling as well. 








4) Mr Wrong Number by Lynn Painter





If you have read my Sunday Post on June 19th, you know the story of how I found this book. So, without just letting it sit on my TBR, I have decided to pick it up this month. We have Olivia Marshall who is a magnet for all the bad-luck until a super sexy mistext and an anonymous relationship, things are starting to look good for her. On the other hand, Colin Beck is in a dilemma when he founds out that the accidental sexting he had been doing was with his best friend’s little sister. Now he doesn’t know if to pursue this or ghost her.

Now that is a power-packed premise that I am hoping to be a lot of fun.







5)Death At the Manor by Katherine Schellman








This is a NetGalley e-Arc. When I requested the book, I didn’t realise that it was the third book in the series. However, I am hoping I can enjoy this as a standalone. 

The Belleford manor is believed to be haunted. So when Lady Adler arrives at Hampshire and hears about this mystery manor, she decides to pay a visit to the place. However, the day she visits, the matriarch of the manor is found dead inside her room and thus, the story ensues. The whole premise has that Agatha Christie vibe which got my attention for the book. It’s been a while since I read a period thriller and that’s my reason to be excited for this one.






Those are all the books I am planning to read this month. In addition to these, I am hoping to catch up with a few of the books that I missed reading in the previous months. If you have read any of these books, let me know your thoughts in the comments section.







Happy Reading Everyone!!











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1 Response

  1. July 10, 2022

    […] Previous story Bookbugworld’s July TBR | 2022 […]