Six books to read this Pongal | Makarsankranti | Lohri | 2022



Dear Bookbugs, 






Before we begin, this post was supposed to happen a few days back. But time is not anyone’s friend. It hasn’t been mine either. However, I feel that we still have that festive spirit within us with Pongal still going on and all the Sankranti holidays in various parts of India marking the beginning of something new. With that spirit, here are a few books which I feel uphold the spirit of this festive season and give you the overall vibe of this summer festival. 






1) A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Taylor Namey  





This is a YA romance where we follow the main character, Lila Rayes who spends her vacation in England. Her parents send her off to live with her aunt after her breakdown because of a “trifecta” as she calls it. Lila loves Miami and reluctantly arrives at Winchester but this English countryside makes a place in her heart. Lila learns to open up to new possibilities and experiences. (  Review )





2) 100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons






100 Days of Sunlight is another uplifting contemporary YA fiction that just warms your heart. When Tessa Dickinson, a poetry blogger loses her eyesight in an accident, her grandfather decides to hire a person to help her continue her work with the blog. That is how she meets Weston who turns her life upside down. It is quite an inspiring tale of friendship and life. ( Review





3) The Fifteen Wonders of Daniel Green by Erica Boyce 






This story follows Daniel Green who is part of this secret society that makes crop circles. When Daniel reaches a remote Vermont town after a dying farmer hires him to make circles for the sleepy town, it changes his life considerably. How this family invokes his own empathy and emotions is the journey that we find ourselves in. ( Review )





4) The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan 







I picked this book because it is quite a unique tale that talks about loss and grief and finding yourself after drowning. This one is not for everyone. The story follows three characters, Masha, Alice and Mattie. The majority of the theme centres around a cemetery which clearly becomes an atmosphere for a plot that talks about grief and loss. Since this is a book about starting fresh after losing something precious, I figured it would fit the list. ( Review )




5) The Unlikely Life of Maisie Meadows by Jenni Keer 






The Unlikely Life of Maisie Meadows is an upbeat and fun contemporary women’s fiction novel. It is a slice of life kind of story with a whimsical tone. The story focuses on family relationships, a little bit of romance and friendship with a bunch of quirky characters. I guess this is the kind of optimistic read for people who are looking to start fresh. ( Review )






6) Well Met by Jen Deluca  







Well Met is a contemporary romance with a renaissance faire backdrop. The story takes place in Willow Creek, where we follow the two main characters, Emily and Simon. Despite the whimsical vibe, the characters feel quite real and relatable. Moreover, this summer romance embodies the festive spirit of the season. ( Review )





So there it is. A list of books for you to enjoy this festive season!!



Happy Reading Everyone !!






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1 Response

  1. January 17, 2022

    […] We just celebrated Sankranthi in India, so I found this post by Rejitha @ Bookbugworld with recommendations of books with the festive charm of Sankranthi/ Pongal to be super fun – Link. […]