Book Review | One Snowy Week in Springhollow | By Lucy Knott





NetGalley E-Arc

One Snowy Week in Springhollow
Tomboy Scarlett thought Devon would be her best friend forever. He was the only person in Springhollow who supported her ambitious artist dreams. But then one winter, Devon and his parents disappear without warning to start a new life in NYC and a devastated Scarlett is left alone to face her high-school bullies and overbearing mother. Fast-forward ten years: Scarlett is playing it safe in her childhood village with a dull PA job and a wardrobe that passes her mother's old-fashioned standards. Meanwhile, Devon is a Hollywood heartthrob, starring in the latest superhero blockbuster. And he's finally coming home for Christmas...   Scarlett hasn't taken a risk in years... but this Christmas of second chances could finally be her time to shine. (Goodreads)



My thoughts





Narrative and Plot






Before we begin, I requested an e-Arc for this book mainly because of the name Springhollow. I love Gilmore Girls and have passionately conflicting opinions about the characters. But the one thing I love about the show is the small town charm of Stars Hollow. And my gamble actually paid off. Because there is this unmistakable beauty in the small village of Springhollow with its own traditions and landmark. That turned out to be my favorite part of this book. It helps that the main character Scarlett is equally passionate about her village, Springhollow.

The plot is basically a holiday romance with friends to lovers trope at its centre. But it is also more character focused especially on Scarlett. I loved the superhero references. I mean, I almost highlighted the “Avengers Assemble” part. The whole theme made the book endearing.




Characters and Conflicts



Scarlett and Devon are the two main characters in the book. Although , the book is mainly from Scar’s perspective. Personally, she is a relatable character to me. She used to be a passionate and wild kid, but growing up she tries to be “sensible” and “be an adult”. In that effort to become what she is expected to be, Scarlett gives up who she was and hides her true superhero self. This makes her as real as any adult. As someone who keeps her blogging life mostly separate from her regular life, I can see where she is coming from.




At some point, Scarlett felt like too much of a chicken, particularly the way she felt she needed to be around her best friend in order to keep her life in order. Hope seems like a likeable and well accomplished character and Scarlett’s need to be around her was not exactly dealt with the importance it needed to be. At least I felt that way.

The romance between the main character was slow and steady. It makes you root for them as a couple even more as it happens with romance reads. Devon was adorable. He was superhero handsome as well as  a nerdy fanboy at the same time.

Another character that I enjoyed is Scar’s dad. He made the most impact he could with the screen time he got.

And the entire village of Springhollow definitely takes extra brownie points.










Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was easy and fun to read. I love reading friends to lovers romance. This one with a beautiful village around Christmas time is right up my alley.

So who should read One Snowy Week in Springhollow? If you’re that fangirl or boy or whoever you are, who swooned over Peggy and Steve Roger’s that one car ride, or who got misty eyed every time Tony Stark blinked and left a message for Pepper or you actually grabbed that tissue box when your heard “I love you three thousand”, why are you here, go read the book. It is a superhero holiday romance for god’s sake!!!  










About the Author








Disclosure :  1) I received an e-ARC of the book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.













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