Bookbugworld’s September TBR 2020




Dear Bookbugs,





With work getting back to full force, I couldn’t exactly complete all the books in my August TBR. So I am keeping things simple for September with only five books. Hopefully, I will read them all and finish the books in my August TBR as well. Lets take a look at the books, shall we?




1)The Beast and The Bethany  by Jack Meggitt-Philips







The Beast and the Bethany is a debut middle grade fantasy. It is no secret that I am discovering some gems in this genre with TheWriteReads blog tour. This one already has high praises in the first phase of the blog tour. So I have high expectations for this book. A quirky retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. Beauty comes with a price. In order to maintain his youth, Ebeneezer has to feed the Beast a child and he finds just the naughty child for the task – Bethany. This is a tale of friendship and fantasy as far as I can tell.







2) We Are Family By Nicola Gill





I think I might start making a list of books with sisters! I love reading about the bitter and sweet sister relationships. I have a sister and I feel lucky that I have one to cherish and to fight occasionally. We Are Family by Nicola Gills follows two sisters Laura and Jess. Laura is the laid back one with no definite plan but Jess is the type A person who plans everything and has a perfect life. At least Laura thinks so. When their mother dies, Laura and Jess need to come together to sort out their life because they are the only family left for each other.


Looks like an interesting family drama!









3) All Stirred Up By Brianne Moore








Books, movies or shows about food – I love to consume them!! All Stirred Up is a women’s fiction romance novel with a foodie backdrop.  Susan Napier’s family used to own these high end restaurant chains. But now they are at a loss and it is up to Susan to reclaim the name of the family by saving the last one of those restaurants in Edinburgh. But when she goes there, she crosses path with none other than her ex-boyfriend Chris Baker. Chris is a celebrity chef from New York who is going to start his own restaurant in Edinburgh. As they compete and hate, the attraction is unmistakably there. So is the tension and things don’t help when a gossip blogger is after them for a juicy story.


Overall,  this sounds like a fun hate to love and second chance romance read. I love both the tropes and hope to enjoy the yummy romance.





4) Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras







This is the first book in the Keys to Love series. Island Affair is again a romance chic-lit novel with a fake dating trope. Sarah is in Key West for a getaway with her family who are gathering to celebrate her mother’s recovery from cancer. Sarah does not want her mother to worry for obvious reasons. Only, she breaks up with her boyfriend who ditches her for the week long vacation in Key West right after she lands the Island. Coincidentally, she meet Luis Navarro who is a firefighter on a mandatory vacation and somehow persuades him to fake a relationship with her for the week. The rest, of the story is known to all. Still,  it sounds fun and has been getting good reviews. Which is why, I can’t wait to get to this book!






5) One To Watch by Kate Stayman-London








This is one of the hyped books that’s making its round in the bookish community at the moment. I have been hearing good things about One To Watch. So, I decided to jump the wagon. Not only that, the main character in this book is a plus sized woman. Being a plus sized person myself, I would love to see the voice of a plus sized main character. We follow Bea Schumacher who is a plus sized fashion blogger. She makes this comment about the lack of body diversity in this show called The Main Squeeze  – which is similar to the Bachelor/Bachelorette. The makers of the show then invite Bea to be the star of the next Main Squeeze. And that’s where the story begins.


I have been told in advance that the book is enjoyable and relatable even if you are not familiar with the reality TV show – Bachelor. I am aware of the reality TV culture and the drama that ensues there. I hope I get the inside jokes. Fingers crossed!!





There we go. Those are the books that I plan to read this month. I need to start You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle which was a part of my last month’s TBR. Hopefully I get through them all and more, if one is allowed to be greedy.



Happy reading everyone!!! 






















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