Perfectly Wicked | By Lindsay Lovise




Book Review | NetGalley E-ARC | Paranormal Romance

Perfectly Wicked
Holly Celeste and her sisters make the best apple cider in Maine—courtesy of a magical secret ingredient—but even that hasn’t been enough to keep their orchard afloat. To save the family business, Holly accepts a proposal to let a ghost hunting series film an episode on her farm. Connor Grimm may be the sexy and down-to-earth TV host the nation loves, but to Holly he represents her greatest exposure. Holly doesn’t mind if Connor chases down a silly ghost story—it’s their other secret she’s terrified he’ll reveal. Connor Grimm’s life goal is to normalize the paranormal, which he does on his show, Grimm Reality. Except he isn’t only looking for a ghost at Wicked Good Apples. There have been rumors of rain during droughts and other inexplicable happenings that could only be attributed to something supernatural, and Connor plans to expose it on an episode that will take his show’s success to another level. Intent on keeping Connor in the dark, Holly joins him as he interviews eyewitnesses, hunts for old records, and unearths a story even she didn’t know existed. Despite her resolution to dislike him, she begins to fall for the only man who’s ever made her feel like strange could be normal. Too bad a relationship with Connor could only be he moves to a new state every month, and there’s no room in his life for a woman with a pet hedgehog, a houseful of nosy aunts and sisters, and a failing apple orchard. When Connor finally pieces together Holly’s greatest secret, he’s forced to choose between revealing his biggest paranormal discovery yet and propelling his show to the top of the charts, and giving it all up for the wicked woman who’s charmed his heart.     (Goodreads)




My thoughts







Narrative and Plot









Perfectly Wicked is an atmospheric book about witches with an adorable and steamy enemies-to-lovers romance. The story presents both Holly’s and Connor’s perspectives, which I love in romance novels. Although the book is a bit lengthy for a romance, it never lags.

The plot is rich with enough mystery to hold our interest. I enjoy when books about the supernatural break the norm and create their own worlds and rules. It’s refreshing and entertaining to explore a new order of things.








Characters and Conflicts








Holly and Connor are our central characters. They are both loyal, kind, funny, clever, and yet flawed in their own ways. The chemistry between them creates enough tension and adds to the overall mystery of the plot.

The ensemble cast is a great addition to the story, adding value and entertainment, to say the least. I would love to read a sequel about the Celeste sisters and their own love stories. Each of the side characters is well-rounded but does not overshadow the main leads. There is a morbid theme throughout the story, and I was there for it.

Most romances, no matter how strong they start, fall short in the third act of conflict. However, Perfectly Wicked strikes a perfect balance by incorporating a typical miscommunication into the final conflict and resolving it in an adult manner.

I loved the writing and would be excited to read more works by Lindsay Lovise.
















Overall, Perfectly Wicked is a perfect fall pick, with its atmospheric setting of an apple farm and supernatural elements adding to the mix.














About the Author
























Disclaimer : I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.




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