Nine tips to get over holiday reading slumps
Dear Bookbugs,
In the last month of the year, it is natural to want to catch up to your reading challenges particularly when you are just a few books away from your goal. You might have planned your December reads to achieve your goals. But this is the holiday season, and nothing ever really goes according to plan, right? December is generally a month of surprises. Unexpected weather surprises, unexpected visitors you name it and it happens around the festive season putting a break to your reading routines. So how do you sneak out those reading hours amidst all this?
I am talking about the holiday reading slump here. ( in case it is not clear by now)
Today I am going to share a few tricks that helped me going on with my reading routine amidst any busy festive season :
Do not stress about the fact that you not reading.
Honestly, it is completely alright if you don’t feel like reading at the moment. Give it a rest. Take some time off if you are particularly feeling that way after reading so many books throughout the year. Sooner or later you are going to find your way back.
Set up everyday chapter goals.
Instead of looking at your reading challenge goals or that heap of a TBR, set up a goal of how many chapters you can read every single day. Let’s just take it one chapter a time. Only you can assess the time you have got in your hands. Allocate 45 minutes of compulsory reading time. It could be before bed, early morning anytime. Just snatch that time from your busy day.
Once you finish your daily goals, you might feel motivated and end up reading more eventually breaking the evil spell.
Binge watch a good show based on some popular book
Ok, I know how ridiculous that sounds. You are already procrastinating and I am suggesting binge watching!! But not just anything. Something really good based on your favorite series. Or a story which is written by an author you’ve never read before. Now, this could go both ways. But let’s be optimistic and hope that after watching a few episodes, your hunger for a good story increases and you go out on a whim and grab the book. It could totally happen. Worst case scenario, you’ve binge watched a good series.
Spend a day away from your phone
Every single post about reading slumps recommend this option and they are all absolutely right about this. Mobile phones eat away most of our time and we don’t even realize it. Keep it at a distance just for one day so that you have to leave your book and walk a certain amount of distance to reach it. You would be surprised by how much time you get.
Listen to audiobooks
This one truly works. I got out of my years-long reading slump by listening to audiobooks. This is a busy time of the year but a lot of time you might be spending by just commuting to various places, waiting in long queues, exercising, cooking, decorating or essential holiday shopping. Listening to audiobooks is generally an efficient way to multi-task and getting out of that phase.
Install a new bookish app on your phone
Well, I told you to stay away from the mobile phone but we all know how that is going to work. Try this for a change. There are so many E-reader apps with classic books, contemporary books or fantasy books. Once you install it, curiosity is definitely going to kill your social media browsing at least for a few days. But hey, that is all you need to get out of the slump.
Read a light-hearted/ comfort book
This works for me every time. I prefer reading a Sophie Kinsella book whenever I feel down, slump or not. Every reader must have a comfort book or comfort author. Something that you can effortlessly read. You will be out there back in the fictional world. Also get some of your comfort food from those holiday treats!!
Change your reading area
I did this today when I just couldn’t finish a book that I really enjoyed reading but couldn’t finish it because I was too stressed out. I moved out of my room and the book is finished by the end of the day. In short, I think it works. I had music on and just read as soon as I changed the regular spot (my bed!!).
Write or Talk about the books you’ve read
You don’t have to be a book blogger or booktuber to review a book. There are so many platforms. Use all of them to talk about the book you’ve read. Who knows it might lead to a great discussion and you might end up finding new and interesting books that you never knew existed.
Have you ever tried any one of these methods? Do you have your own special tricks? Share it with your fellow bookbugs in the comments.Â