Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 4
Dear Bookbugs,
On Day 24 of #Blogmas2018 I am so happy to introduce our fourth visitor of the Featured Blogger Series. She is the coolest and one of the most supportive bloggers I have come across the blogging community.
Our featured blogger of the day is Allie and she is the proud owner of the book blog Alliee Reads
Allie is also a poet and you can read her beautiful poems in her blog.
You can follow her on Twitter : @allieereads and on Instagram : allieereads
If you don’t know her already, you can find how honest and humble she is by reading this Q and A.
One thing about your blog that you love the most!!
Honestly, I adore my blog with all my heart. It has become such an awesome online space for me to be creative but to also communicate with other bloggers who share the same interests! I love writing and I especially love reading, so being able to put my two major loves together and create something that I’m proud of, is such a fabulous thing for me. So, that would have to be the main aspect that I love the most about my blog!
Belle from Beauty and the Beast invites you over for a Christmas dinner. Your reaction and what will you gift her? (Let’s assume the beast took a day off 😉 )
Assuming that Belle does not want to escape from the Beast and she’s actually happy, my reaction would be hell to the yea! I would literally only go to spend some quality time in that library!!! The Beast woud literally have to force me out because I would have an extremely intense love affair with all those books.
I would gift her, well, a book. Obvious, I know, but I feel as though Belle would really appreciate someone taking the time to choose a book they feel she would enjoy. I would give her A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf because Belle is fundamentally an independent, strong woman who knows her own worth – and Woolf is one of the greatest femininst writers. I think I would also bring an iPad because Belle needs to be introduced to the 21st century and all its technological goodness (this would also mean persuading Beast for some wifi, but I think he would agree).
Your very own memorable Christmas story
This is a hard question! I think my most memorable Christmas would have to be the Christmas we spent in 2014. It was an extremely hard year, but my mum promised my brother and I that we would have Christmas at our new house – whereever that new house would be. One week before Christmas, we bought a new home in a fabulous new area so that we could start somewhere fresh! Our first Christmas was literally spent on our lounge room floor with unpacked boxes around us, with no tree but with a lot of love and laughter. We had such a great Christmas that year, only because we felt such unending relief that we finally had someplace to settle down in!
Have you ever done blogmas? Are you doing it this year? Tell us about the experience.
I would have to say that I have unfortunately never participated in blogmas! I was heavily considering it this year, but the main reason why I did not and have not participated in the past, is purely because of the time commitment. I have always felt kind of intimidated and overwhelmed by the thought of posting every day during blogmas and I am not that super organised that I can organise posts beforehand. I am thinking though, of doing blogmas next year because I have really enjoyed reading blogmas posts this year! We will have to see what happens…
One crazy Christmas wish that you have never told anyone before?
This is seriously super lame, but my most crazy Christmas wish is to be able to surprise my mum with a holiday to New York City. I always imagine handing my mum an envelope, her opening it and just looking back at me and refusing to believe what she holds in her hands. My mum has always found New York City to be super intriguing, I think it’s because of her love for Sex and The City back in the day, that she has always wanted to go and see the sights and just breathe New York City in. I really want to be able to do that for her !
Has anyone ever gifted you around Christmas which you have no clue what to do with? Share your weirdest Christmas gift. Or have you given anything like that to anyone?
Okay, my most weirdest Christmas gift I have ever gotten, though I do understand that this is such a ‘first world problem’ but I always found it hilarious, was when I was given two perfume samples. See, my aunty used to work for a perfume stall in Myer (a huge department store here in Australia) so she had heaps of these free perfume samples to give to customers so they could try out the perfume before they bought it, one year, they must have had left-overs they needed to get rid of, so I was given two little free perfume samples. It was hilarious. But they were really nice perfumes!
Remember Ross’s Turkey Sandwiches from Friends? Name one Christmas delicacy that you look forward to every single year. Share the recipe if you have it!
My mum’s potato salad.
We usually have a huge seafood lunch/dinner for our Christmas with a barbeque, and mum goes wild with everything and it’s super delicious! But the one thing I adore is mum’s homemade potato salad. Oh my god, it is delicious. It literally is the most basic thing in the universe, but it is soo good. I don’t know the recipe unfortunately because it’s mum’s best kept secret 😉
2019 hopes and plans for your blog
My major goals for my blog next year is to really be more organised. I want to figure out a blogging schedule that works for me, and I want to maintain a somewhat consistent blogging schedule. I also want to make giveaways a kind of regular thing every few months in order to give back to the book blogging community because they have been fundamental to my continued existence on the internet! I feel like I want to also dedicate certain days that are blog writing day because I really do want to keep it consistent and I love writing so much that I would like to be able to dedicate certain days for sitting down and getting it done. I want to also write reviews at a much more quicker pace – especially for those authors and publishers who are waiting on it!
What will be the title of your own Christmas/Holiday book?
This is soo hard!!!! I think the title of my own Christmas/Holiday book would be really corny like, ‘Under the Holiday Sun’ because Christmas/the Holidays take place right in the middle of the summer heat here in Australia – so there is no snow in sight! I think it would focus more on the love between family and friends.
Congratulations! You have answered all the nine questions. How do you feel about them? (Don’t be nice. I am trying to spice it up here 😉 )
Really great questions! They made me think and I enjoyed answering them. I can’t think of anything to add at the moment, but if I do think of anything, I’ll let you know!
A Christmas message to all the bookbugs out there :
For this holiday season, I wish for your happiness, your health and, most importantly, all your bookish wishes to come true!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
THANK YOU REJITHA!! This was one of the most fun posts I have written in a while and I’m super honoured to be a part of this series!! Lots of love! xxx
You’re welcome. I am so happy you agreed to do this. Your answers were so thoughtful. Enjoyed reading them and I got to know that you’re one strong woman.