Bookbug’s Featured Blogger series – Episode 2

Dear Bookbugs,


It is Day 17 of Blogmas 2018 and here we are with our second visitor for the Featured Blogger series in the Bookbugworld. Today I am so pleased to bring this amazing and supportive blogger to Bookbugworld.

Our featured blogger of the day is Katy. You can visit her scenic beach themed blog Amorette’s reviews.

Katy had always striked to me as a person with elegance and grace. You can feel that if you visit her blog.

Follow her on twitter : @AmoretteReviews Instagram : Amorette’s Reviews and Facebook : Amorette’s Reviews


Here is a fun Q&A with Katy

  • Favorite thing about your blog?


Introducing other readers and bloggers to books they’ve never read before.


  • You are in a Christmas wonderland where all those holiday read characters come alive. You have to choose one house where you will have a Christmas dinner. Which one and why?


Santa Claus for sure! To many he is loved because he brings presents and makes people happy, but to me he represents hope and to me hope means everything.



  • Your very first Christmas/festive memory?


Just being with my parents and celebrating together.



  • The blogging community is on a Blogmas frenzy (including myself!!) Is there any other festive occasion you want to celebrate in your blog?


I actually had no idea what blogmas was until this year, so maybe next year I’ll be able to participate! Haha! I really don’t celebrate festive occasions on my blog. At least not yet.


  •  Santa is here pleased by your devoted reading. You can ask him for a book no one has ever read or heard about. What will it be about?

A good epic, fantasy, romance would be nice! Just take me to a place I can’t go, I’m not picky 😊


  • 2019 in terms of blogging years. What does it mean to you?


I’ve been blogging for two years and I just look forward to growing and becoming a better blogger.


  • Title of your very own Christmas/ Holiday book?

Amorette’s Christmas!


  • Congratulations! You have answered all the questions. How do you feel about them? (Don’t be nice. I am trying to spice it up here 😉 )

They were fun and interesting questions 😊



A Christmas message to all the bookbugs out there:

Take care of yourself first whether it comes to blogging, school or your work outside of blogging, take care of yourself and Merry Christmas!

 – Katy






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