Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 1

Dear Bookbugs,


It is the fifteenth day of #Blogmas2018!! When we started our journey on the first day I told you that this month is all about surprises and visitors!! Holidays are the time when we gather together and get to know our friends and family a little bit more every year. The blogging community is something that I have found quite unexpectedly. I am so happy to find people who are interested in the same things and want to talk about them.

And what better time than Christmas to invite them over to my blogging place? That is how the idea of a “Featured Blogger Series” developed. It is nothing fancy, but just a fun Q and A with our beloved bloggers who are producing amazing content. I am hoping to take this beyond Christmas season and feature a few bloggers every month or so. Let’s see how it all goes.

Episode 1

Without any delay, let’s welcome our first blogger. Even before I had the courage to propose this idea this lovely person approached me to know about Blogmas. It was her enthusiasm to team up with me and do an exchange post that motivated me to take this further and bring it all to action.

Our featured blogger of the day is Roo. She is the proud owner of the book blog  By the 100th page

You can check out her blog. Follow her on twitter : @BookreaderRoo and Instagram : bythe100thpage



Here is a fun Q&A with Roo.

  • One thing about your blog that you love the most!!

        My Logo. My beloved friend created it for me as my creativity does not end up well on a page! She even added the              name of her book on one of the spines!


  • You are in a Christmas wonderland where all those holiday bookish characters come alive. You have to choose one house where you will have a Christmas dinner. Which one and why?

I’d love to spend a Christmas with North, Tooth, Jack Frost, Sandman and Bunnymund from the Guardians series. The first festive movie I watch every year and it has now become a tradition. I hope to one day buy the books too!


  • Your very first Christmas memory

I believe I remember opening my first Christmas present! It was a Tiny Tears doll (creepiest thing I could ever have wanted, but…) and I would have been 1 and a half. Fresh natural pine scent reminds me heavily of this memory.



  • Name a holiday or festival other than Christmas which you want to celebrate in your blog

I’d love to take part in an October leading to Halloween reading challenge ending in a 24  readathon or around then. I would love to get a little group of us doing it all together.


  • One crazy Christmas wish that you have never told anyone before?

A Christmas alone. With books and a dinner.



  • Has anyone ever gifted you something around Christmas which you have no clue what to do with? Share your weirdest Christmas gift. Or have you given anything like that to anyone?

           Nothing completely strange. However, some odd, out of place objects. My Grandmother-In-Law has always bought            unique gifts. The strangest one is probably the solar light with a cherub on it. It was just odd. And a little unnerving.


  • Remember Ross’s Turkey Sandwiches from Friends? Name one Christmas delicacy that you look forward to every single year. Share the recipe if you have it!

       I am yet to cook a Christmas dinner! My Mother and Mother in Law still cook at Christmas and are flawless at it. My  favourite part is always the sprouts and potatoes. Both mothers are amazing at the sprouts and potatoes,


  • Describe your 2018 blogging life in a single word.

“Incredible” the community and friends I have made in the past year since setting up Bythe100thpage has been amazing!  The book community are so reclusive and accepting and wonderful. Without those people I would have given up. I’m looking forward to another year and many more.


  • What will be the title of your own Christmas/Holiday book?

Catching Santa. A book about three naughty children trying to catch Santa on Christmas Eve. I am yet to write it 😉


  • Congratulations! You have answered all the nine questions. How do you feel about them? (Don’t be nice. I am trying to spice it up here 😉 )

I loved these questions! I enjoyed reflecting on this last year of blogging and socialising with people from all over talking about our mutual love for books and stories.


I’d like to pass on my thanks to Rejitha for hosting me and writing the above awesome questions. Just one of the many friends I have made through the blog and the awesome community.  


A Christmas message to all the bookbugs out there :

Be merry, bright and if it gets too much for you, beautiful, introverted bunch, walk away, read a few pages, find your centre and go back renewed. Have a wonderful festive season, no matter how you celebrate.

–   Roo




Hope you enjoyed reading about Roo. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I would like to extend this beyond Blogmas. So any inputs are welcome.




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