Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series | Episode 6

Dear Bookbugs,


The  Featured Blogger series started with my blogmas efforts and then I decided to carry on with it as a regular space for bloggers. January is a brand new month and we all start with great hopes for a better self and year. With this thought, Bookbug wants to feature newbie bloggers in the Featured Blogger series for the month of January.


The very first newbie who is our visitor today is Ali. She is the proud owner of the blog  Tea and Turned Pages .

You can follow her on Twitter @teaturnedpages



I wish her All the Best for her blogging adventures. Without wasting anymore time, lets get to know more about Ali.


  • How would you describe the feeling of seeing your blog up and running? Tell us all about how it led to that moment.



It is such an amazing feeling seeing something you created, you put your own thoughts and feelings into. It is rewarding and a confidence booster. I had spent months trying to figure out the best way to start my book blog. I started another one previously but didn’t end up liking how it turned out, so I started my blog on the very first day of January, sort of like a new year’s resolution.



  • Do you own a bookshelf? If so, how do you arrange them?

I do own a bookshelf, one from Target. I used to arrange by authors last name, but now I use the top shelf as my TBR shelf, and the rest is organized by color.



  • Other than blogging, what are your interests?

I love music very much, listening to music, learning their backstories.


  • Is there anything regarding blogging that worries you? If so, what is it?

Not really. I know it is my own personal blog, and that means I can kind of choose to do what I please. I learned from the past to not worry about what other people think, and if I want to have a book blog, I should do it for me and no one else.




  • How do you find the blogging community in general?

The book blogging community is so supportive. Even coming in as one of the ‘new guys’ I feel already very welcomed in to the community.



  • Your favourite book. Why is it your favourite?

This is really tough to say, because I have a few favorite’s. I think the one that I hold closest to my heart is Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. This book was the book that got me back into reading and I thank this book every time I see it on my shelf for doing that for me.



  • By the end of 2019, where do you aspire to be as a blogger?

Just a proud book blogger, who stuck to her goals.



  • Do you have any go-to authors? Name three. Why?

First, my guilty pleasure author is Abbi Glines, who also happens to be one of my favorite’s so there’s her. The next two I would have to say is Nicola Yoon and Shari Lapena.



  • If you are given a choice to pick the plot of a book. What would you pick?


       a) A protagonist who has to save the world by fighting deadly demons or a totalitarian regime.

       b) A protagonist who fights against the odds to keep himself/herself sane and in the process discovers their own self.

      c) A protagonist with a grey and grim past who is forced to do something good for a change and in the process finds his true “hero” nature.

Definitely B


  • As a blogger what would be your message to a person who visits your blog?

Just that I hope you enjoy what you are reading, and know it all comes from the heart and a lot of effort is put forth. If you don’t agree with me, tell me. If you do, tell me. I love hearing people’s opinions, especially on books.







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