Category: Blogmas 2018

Bookbug’s Holiday Wishlist

Bookbug’s Holiday Wishlist

Dear Bookbugs,   It is Christmas time. That time of year when all your wishes are supposed to come true. Or at least, the time when you are in the mood to wish for things...

Christmas in the Fictional World

Christmas in the Fictional World

It is the seventh day of blogmas!! The other day I was making a classic booklist and as soon as I thought of Little Women, the words that came to my mind were “Christmas won’t...

A Very Lucky Christmas | By Lilac Mills 0

A Very Lucky Christmas | By Lilac Mills

About the Author Lilac Mills is the author of chic-lit and heartwarming romance novels. She is also a book blogger along with her day job. And I have no idea how she does it all!!...

Classics to read this Holiday!!

Classics to read this Holiday!!

Dear bookbugs,     Tis the fifth day of blogmas and Bookbugworld is keeping up well and fast so far. Holidays are all about traditions and while it is enjoyable to read a historical fiction...

#Tistheseasonathon |  Day ONE

#Tistheseasonathon | Day ONE

Dear bookbugs,   It is the day three of Blogmas and the beginning of the holiday readathon #tistheseasonathon!! This is a readathon hosted by one of my favorite Booktubers, Heather from Bookables.   Since this...