Mile High | By Liz Tomforde
When I picked up Mile High, I was looking for a fun romantic comedy to escape. It provided me with a wholesome story that is quite enjoyable.
When I picked up Mile High, I was looking for a fun romantic comedy to escape. It provided me with a wholesome story that is quite enjoyable.
While romance is a big part of A Winter in New York, it is actually a romantic take on Iris’s life in New York. The book is more about her fresh start and the grief and trauma that she left behind.
Wreck the Halls is a decent rom-com that takes place around the days leading up to Christimas. This was a one-time read for me.
Snowed In is a warm, fuzzy, and cozy book like freshly baked cinnamon-dusted bread. Great way to start your holiday reading.
Let’s Get Quizzical is a second-chance contemporary romance that takes place in the world of brainy game shows, as the name suggests.
The Pumpkin Spice Cafe is all fallish, pumpkin spice drinks, and grumpy versus Sunshine. If you are a fan of Gilmore Girls, go for it.
Mr. Wrong Number has chemistry, humor, and a naïve innocence that we usually see in the romantic comedies from the 90s.
Secretly Yours is a fun romantic comedy that you can read just for the fun of it. A small-town romance between two opposites with a bit of wine tasting sounds like a promising setup.
If you seek to revel in the beauty of passion and adventure, as well as a captivating love story, then The Seven Year Slip is perfect for you.
If you are a fan of authors like Sophie Kinsella, Catherine Walsh and Jill Mansell, you will end up loving Bell Time.