Category: 2019

Bookbug’s Featured Bloggers Series | Episode 13

Bookbug’s Featured Bloggers Series | Episode 13

Dear Bookbugs,   This is our second Q and A with the fantasy loving reader in the Featured Blogger Series. And today we have, Nora Eliana aka El from the blog Papertea and Bookflowers  ...

House of Salt and Sorrows | By Erin A Craig 0

House of Salt and Sorrows | By Erin A Craig

My thoughts     Narrative and Plot House of Salt and Sorrows has a deep melancholic voice. If you’re listening to the audiobook, the narrator ( Emily Lawrence) does a pretty good job of luring...

The Desire Card | By Lee Matthew Goldberg 0

The Desire Card | By Lee Matthew Goldberg

Thank You Blackthorn Book Tours for providing me with an e-copy of The Desire Card  My thoughts   Narrative and Plot   The entire book is told from Harrision’s perspective. He is our protagonist. The...

Serpent and Dove | By Shelby Mahurin 1

Serpent and Dove | By Shelby Mahurin

I listened to the audiobook version of Serpent and Dove. My thoughts Narrative and Plot Serpent and Dove is by far the most interesting  fantasies I’ve read in 2019. This book encompasses everything you look...

Things You Save in a Fire | By Katherine Center 0

Things You Save in a Fire | By Katherine Center

My thoughts Narrative and Plot Things You Save in a Fire is entirely a first person narrative. Cassie Hamwell talks to the reader about her life and how she managed to cope after moving from...

The Devouring Gray | By Christine Lynn Herman 0

The Devouring Gray | By Christine Lynn Herman

My thoughts   Narrative and plot The Devouring Gray is an intriguing and mysterious tale of fantasy. The narrative is simple and effective giving each character their own voice. A town with a history. A...

The Gilded King | By Josie Jaffrey 0

The Gilded King | By Josie Jaffrey

Thank you #TheWriteReads for including me in this #blogtour. Thank you Josie Jaffrey for providing us with a copy of The Gilded King in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts   Narrative and Plot...

Book recommendations for Contemporary-a-thon

Book recommendations for Contemporary-a-thon

Contemporary-a-thon is a contemporary readthon  co-hosted by the booktubers Chelsea Dolling, Julie , Natasha and Melanie . It starts from 23rd September 2019 and lasts till 29th September 2019.   Today, I am going to...