The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek | By Kim Michele Richardson

I received an eARC of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
(Courtesy : Goodreads)
Inspired by the true and historical blue-skinned people of Kentucky and the dedicated Kentucky Pack Horse Library Project, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek provides an authentic Appalachian voice to a story of hope, heartbreak and raw courage and shows one woman’s strength, despite it all, to push beyond the dark woods of Troublesome Creek.
My thoughts
Plot and Narrative
A historical tale told in the innocent yet deep voice of the Book Woman, touches the humanity in your soul. The depth of the topic and the era it was set in makes it an interesting read by default. Cussy Mary’s voice brought the story to life and you genuinely feel her joy, sorrow, pain and anger.
This is a bold story which didn’t shy away from the ugliness that exists among folks who are suffering and also the ones who are set in their own hard always. It gives you insight about a culture and people in the form of a thought provoking fiction.
Characters and Conflict
While the Book Woman was the anchor to the story and indeed a lively narrator of the story itself, the book had different characters who had their own arcs in the story. Some which made you smile and some that wet your eyes. The presence of a strong plot definitely helped shape these characters but each one of them were memorable enough and had their own place in the book.
Cussy herself had a journey of her own. It was one thing to be let down by others but the biggest challenge could be the self doubts. And yet the desire to survive is what keeps the strongest going, just like the old mule Junia.
The little bit of romance was soothing and grounded to reality.
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is a heart-felt read. It is an empowering book and a reminder of how far we have come as human beings, yet how far we need to go, in order to embrace everyone alike and be that brave new world. This is a tale of compassion and inclusion, or rather, the want for it among people.
About the Author
Kim Michele Richardson is a bestselling author who lives in Kentucky. She’s an advocate for the prevention of child and domestic abuse and the author of the bestselling memoir The Unbreakable Child, a book critic for the New York Journal of Books, and the founder of Shy Rabbit, a writers residency scholarship. Her novels include Liar’s Bench, GodPretty in the Tobacco Field and The Sisters of Glass Ferry. Kim Michele’s latest novel, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is about the historical blue people of Kentucky and the fierce and brave Kentucky Packhorse librarians.