The Irish Goodbye | By Amy Ewing
Book Review | NetGalley E-ARC | Contemporary Romance

My thoughts
Narrative and Plot
We follow Cordelia who lives in New York but goes on a break to Innishmore in Ireland to take a break from life in general after grief struck her big time. Then we have Niall, who is returning to Innishmore from Dublin after his life turned upside down.
Grief and pain are a big part of the book, especially during the first half. It is all about how two broken hearts mend each other and find love. The narrative is a bit muddled as it shifts from Cordelia to Niall in the same chapters. Other than that, the pacing was good, and it didn’t overstay its welcome.
Characters and Conflicts
This is one of those stories where hate to love is executed in the right manner. Cordelia and Niall are in a bad place at the beginning of the book and hate each other because of their own narrow view of the world. As they begin to heal, they see the world and each other in a new light.
This gives them an opportunity to try a second chance at happiness. The story has a rich ensemble cast that keeps things entertaining, to say the least.
The final conflict is realistic, but it came with a lot of flair and drama. But sometimes, things are dramatic in life too, especially where relationships are considered.
Overall, I enjoyed this romance. It was a quick and easy read. If you are looking for a novel that talks about healing and moving on with a bit of an Irish charm and romance, this is your pick.
I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.