Category: Book Discussions

The Templar Sword | By Sam Clarke

The Templar Sword is the fun  Young Adult mysterious historical adventure trip for all those Robert Langdon fans out there.

The Hunting Wives | By May Cobb

 The Hunting Wives lures you into this viper’s nest with the lull of booze and laughter and the deep dark atmosphere of an East Texas forest.

WWW Wednesday | 19 June 2024

The WWW Wednesday is a simple book meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.

Secrets of the Deep | By Marisa Noelle

Secrets of the Deep is an entertaining one time YA fantasy read for me. The world-building and all the mysterious elements of the deep ocean makes me want to continue the series.

The Wishing Game | By Meg Shaffer

The Wishing Game is a whimsical tale and a tribute to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is a nostalgic callback to all those kids, now adults, who waited for a letter from Hogwarts or a hidden Narnia in their wardrobe.

Drift | By Clare Littlemore

After following the Beck way of life with Quin, we reach unfamiliar territory in the third book, Drift. With it comes new challenges to overcome.